Sunday, October 13, 2019

Star Ladders For Sunday.


On Friday afternoon, C. and the whackadoodle picked up Bigger E. from her place before prying out of the lab so that we could all head for the ferry.

And, just for the record, whenever possible we always travel the Spirits when crossing the Salish Sea.

Later that evening we stopped on the other side to gather up littler e. from the basement suite she shares with her friend G. that is located smack-dab in the middle of Elizabeth May Ville on the southern-most tip of Vancouver Island.

After that we headed west, to Colwood, so that we could all spend Thanksgiving weekend with Grandpops.

A weekend that is, as of this writing on Sunday afternoon, still ongoing.



As you may have gathered from the babble above, the two E.'s both have places of their own now.

Luckily, they still like to do (at least some things) with C. and me.

Kids these days...

Image at the top of the post is the E's doing two of the things they still like to do almost the most in downtown Lotusland awhile back.



  1. As I clicked on and saw the picture first, I thought, I've seen that picture before, when the children were so much younger. thank you for sharing it once again.

    How wonderful to be able to enjoy this stage of life knowing you, the spousal unit and the labadoddle have accomplished so much. Congrats!

  2. Hadn't thought of it that way e.a.f., but...Ya!


