Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Is That Bullsh*t?

With ApologiesTo

Buried inside an item on how the French have abandoned both the 'works' of Didier Raoult and hydroxycholoroquine as a COVID-19 treatment is the following bit of bizarrity:

...The president of El Salvador on Tuesday said that he is taking the drug in hopes of warding off the coronavirus.

“I use it as a prophylaxis, President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis, most of the world’s leaders use it as a prophylaxis,” Reuters quoted the Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele, as saying on Tuesday...


Is that bullshit?

That part about 'most of the world's leaders', I mean.

Well, according to the fine folks at the Times, who are willing to fact check and state their findings unequivocally when it comes to at least one president in the Americas, it is:

...In fact, few if any other world leaders have said they take the drug...

And, just to be clear, there is no evidence that one president in the Americas called up another and offered him an inducement to just 'say it'.

At least not yet.

Sub-header refers to a regular segment that the writer does on Mike Pesca's podcast 'The Gist'.




  1. “Bukele has embraced an authoritarian persona, performatively barking orders on Twitter to his ministers, who promptly respond, ‘Right away, Mr. President.’ His mass firings of public employees, harassment of journalists, and repressive security crackdown have drawn concerns from human rights advocates, and his scraping subservience to the United States and deference to the private sector...”

    Something tells me he comes pre-induced. No need for the call.

  2. Lew--

    Ahhhh....You may very well be right...In which case, perhaps an oval office Hydroxyx party is on the horizon...

