Saturday, June 20, 2020

When In Doubt, Make Things (Much, Much) Worse.


It would appear that the arsonist has thrown gasoline on his own fire:

Tulsa was a city on edge Friday night, as Trump fans and protesters gathered in anticipation of the president's first campaign rally in months set for Saturday, raising fears of a violent confrontation and a worsening spread of the coronavirus as local cases spike.

Authorities set up a perimeter around the 19,000-seat BOK Center in downtown Tulsa, where those eager to see Trump started lining up at midweek. Businesses around the area boarded up their windows, and the mayor issued a state of emergency and set up a curfew out of concern that outside groups were headed to town to raise trouble.

But the city announced it was rescinding the safety measures after Trump tweeted:

"I just spoke to the highly respected Mayor of Tulsa, G.T. Bynum, who informed me there will be no curfew tonight or tomorrow for our many supporters attending the #MAGA Rally," Trump said. "Enjoy yourselves - thank you to Mayor Bynum!"


Here's hoping our neighbours to the south can save themselves and all of theirs.



  1. The continuum of making things worse....

    This can't be made up, no matter how hard one tries.

  2. Keith--

    How long will it be until some lackey screeches, 'It's A Covid Party!'


  3. Scotty on Denman2:49 pm, June 20, 2020


  4. the latest Lincoln Project ad covers it all nicely.

    a few more rallies like Tulsa and I expect donni to throw in the towel, unless of course he manages to create a few race riots along the way.
