Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Your Morning Audio...Railgate's Very Long Tail.

Reference/source material or today's episode...

'Essential Passenger Rail Service Still Shut Down', by Amanda Follett Hosgood in The Tyee, May 29, 2020.

'RailBiz Relativity', in The Gazeteer, May 29, 2010.

The legend of Stobe the Hobo.

'Looking Back on John Prine's Buddy Steve Goodman' by David Brown in Rolling Stone, July 19, 2019.

Tuesday morning bonus read...Norm Farrell has a really great post up titled, 'We tolerate our own racism too easily.'
A. Reader has pointed out the odd symmetry of Ms. Follet Hosgood's piece on the loss of passenger rail service on the former BC Rail Northern line and my piece on the fine fellows that did very well, indeed, by the sale/not sale of BC Rail being published/posted exactly 10 years apart....


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