Sunday, July 05, 2020

The Reagan Doctrine Writ (Very, Very) Large.


That was then:

"I've always felt that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

This is now:

"Thousands have complained to the (US Occupational Safety and Health Administration) OSHA about unsafe working conditions due to Covid-19. OSHA has not inspected a single workplace."

Just to be very clear, regardless what the superfine fellows at the Lincoln Project might want USians to believe in the short term, the Republican party is still full of Republicans.



  1. Lincoln Project scares the hell out of me. Good commercials, but I fear the amount of credibility they've gained supporting Biden. When Biden wins, they are going to use that to push the Dems rightwards; we all know that the MSM agrees with Reagan's sentiment, and the consensus is going to skew US away from any transformational change.

    Steve Schmidt, Jennifer Rubin, Rick Wilson, et al, are NOT nice people, and definitely NOT on our side


  2. Mike--

    I agree.

    Taken a step further, it's not just the blocking of transformational change that I'm worried about, but even the reasonable/decent aspects of the the status quo....Take the ACA, for example.


  3. the party is still full of ...?

  4. Anon-Above--

    The neverTrumpers are trying to pretend that all that has gone bad with the Republican party started in 2016.

    That way, once the current president is gone they will be able to return to business as usual.

    Thus, the real purpose of the Lincoln Project is to build a lifeboat for the party.


    Put another way it's The Tea Party, Part Deux.


  5. Whilst CNN, MSNBC et. al. are embracing the never trumpers of the Lincoln Project and other assorted republicans (E.G. David Frum, speechwriter for dubya) horrified at what their party has become, I’ve yet to hear anyone take them to task for their respective parts in developing the present form of the old white guy party.

    For the never trumpers on the various platforms, for now it’s a niche gig to keep the checks coming in.

    If Biden gets in, what will they then do.?

    Probably the same thing after dubya left the whitehouse. Carry on as if it and he never happened and back to business.

  6. Keith--


    Especially the part about how it never happened and, especially, getting back to business (as usual).

    Even the former Obama West Wing/Podcast America boys are on board.

