Monday, September 14, 2020

COVID-19...The Rise Of Potemkin Regulatory Agency Villages.


David Gorski is a medical doctor and cancer research scientist in Detroit Michigan.

As such, I know his research work professionally.

I also know his work in the blogosphere, where he often battles medical pseudoscience and quackery of all kinds at the 'Science-Based Medicine' website.

To be clear, Gorski has proven his bonafides, to me at least, in both realms, many, many times.

Today, he has decided that Americans and, by extension, Canadians as well  (given that we've already  placed vaccine orders with American firms), cannot trust the CDC and the FDA when it comes to all things COVID-19:

"...Now that we’re around the six month anniversary of the first lockdowns to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw a story over the weekend that led me, at the risk of being too “political,” to ask a very disturbing (to me) question: Can we still trust the CDC and FDA (and other federal agencies, like the NIH, ostensibly dedicated to upholding policy based on good science)? Although the answer is still yes for most topics, for COVID-19 increasingly the answer is no. I fear that the list of topics on which the CDC and FDA can no longer be trusted will only grow if Donald Trump is reelected and that, even if he isn’t, some of the changes weakening the firewall between political appointees and the career scientific personnel of these agencies might be permanent and difficult for a President Biden to reverse..."

Gorski, as he always does, then lays out the evidence, in detail, to support his conclusion.

He then goes on to point out that even big Pharma, which often rails at all things regulatory, is concerned:

"...So unusual is the pressure for a vaccine coming from this administration that even big pharma is pushing back, with nine drug companies, three of which have COVID-19 vaccines nearing completion of their phase 3 trials, signed a joint pledge:.."


Importantly, and obviously, vaccine efficacy and safety are not problems that can be solved by pundits, pols and/or ad-makers seeking to maintain their political savviness while they simultaneously attempt to shift public opinion a degree or two before November 3rd.



1 comment:

  1. agree with the good Dr. Since Trump started his appointment of his weird and in some cases not too bright followers, I for one would not want a vaccine developed by the U.S.A. because I don't trust much of that government and that includes the CDC and all those other organizations. The heads of these organizations are appointed by Trump and they say what he wants or they're gone.

    The U.S.A. is a failing state. Everything is about Trump being re elected and if he is re elected, science, medical research, etc. will take a back seat to his career and what works for him. He isn't interested in the health of the citizens of the U.S.A. or any other country.

    Just watching 60 minutes last night was enough for me. they ought to charge and try Trump for criminal negligence causing death.

    I've always thought the death toll in the U.S.A. would hit 500K by years end. They're working well on achieving it. Just the Sturgis motorcycle rally was enough for me to shake my head and wonder what those people all thought they were doing. 400K people showed up and then dispersed around the country and in some cases the world. Not a good thing.
