Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Herd Mentality.


The president of the United States held a town hall yesterday that was covered, straight-up, by one of the major American television networks:

...At the ABC town hall, the president also said the virus would “go away”, with or without a vaccine. This would happen because of “herd mentality”, he said. It is unclear whether he meant herd immunity, because he repeated the phrase several times.

“It would go away without the vaccine, George,” he told ABC journalist George Stephanopoulos. “With time it goes away. And you’ll develop like a herd mentality. It’s going to be herd developed, and that’s going to happen. That will all happen.”...

Now, of course, the outrage is being directed at the gaff as is inevitably the case in our gotcha! world.


Clearly, Mr. Trump was signaling that he and his are, indeed, doubling down on the herd immunity strategy just in case his now railroaded and warp-speeded FDA does not approve a vaccine before November 3rd.

Which means that he is willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of his fellow country people in the name of a political fall back strategy.

Seems to me that is a much bigger story than a gaff.



  1. He is right about a herd mentality, the herd is the 30- 40 something % that follow him blindly.

    The part of your conclusion Ross about the sacrificing of thousands for political reasons(and those already sacrificed for what?) that doesn’t get mentioned is the republican boot lickers see the same thing and haven’t said a word publicly, seen one on a cable news show lately.?

    Off topic a bit, with the revelations via Bob Woodward about what trump knew and when he knew it, Mike Pence, head of the so called “ corona virus task force” must have been given the same information as trump at the same time and has been out of the public eye. trump is the face of it, but there are a lot of other actors that also share a large if not bigger part of the responsibility for doing and saying nothing. Hopefully that is pointed out to the voters at the right place and time. Vice presidential debate for example.

  2. Ahhhhh....

    Very good points about both the Republicans who are still self-lashing themselves to their pre-Trump-built base as well as Mr. Pence, Keith.

