Tuesday, October 13, 2020

One BC Liberal Explains Why He Didn't Try To Stop Jane Thornthwaite.

Update...Tuesday morning...It would appear that Mr. Wilkinson has finally fessed up, sort of.


Jason Sturdy has been the BC Liberal MLA for West Vancouver - Sea To Sky since 2013.

On September 17th he was the lower left square on the Zoom call wherein Jane Thornthwaite (center-right), who has been the BC Liberal party MLA for North Vancouver - Seymour since 2009, spent two full minutes sexually shaming a fellow MLA.

Unlike his party leader, Andrew Wilkinson, Mr. Sturdy at least had the guts to explain why he did nothing to stop Ms. Thornthwaite on that call when he spoke to Jennifer Thuncher and Nick Wells of the Squamish Chief and the Canadian Press:

..."Certainly not my proudest moment," is how West Vancouver-Sea to Sky incumbent MLA candidate Jordan Sturdy describes sitting quietly while a Liberal colleague made degrading comments about New Democrat politician Bowinn Ma during a recent online roast for retiring fellow politician Ralph Sultan.

"I am not proud of not sort of leaping in there and saying, 'Jane, really?' which I think in a personal setting, might have been different," said Sturdy, reached at his home on Thanksgiving Day...


Might speak up and attempt to stop degrading comments in private but not in quasi-public?

What, exactly, does that say about Mr. Wilkinson's caucus?



  1. Exactly! What kind of people are they? What kind of people is getting into politics? Just for the money and perks and sit on hands kind of people? In my opinion, politicians are way overpaid and get huge travel expense perk (along with other perks) that they can use any way they want, like investing in their own future kind of thing. Whatever happened to the reason to get into politics, because it matters!

  2. According to Andrew McLeod on the Twittmachine, Mr. Wilkinson has finally fessed up.

    Not sure if there is an answer to the 'why' as in 'why didn't you try to stop Ms. Thornthwaite?' though...


  3. Orchestraters of the Jane Thornthwaite et al Zoom call via BCLtv events are Senior Director Rachael Segal and Executive Director Emile Scheffel


    3 page Index of contact profiles, email addresses too, for BC Liberals include Sam Sullivan and Rich Coleman et al, yes that Rich Coleman


  4. but then again maybe the email addresses are probably a scam because Rich Coleman is listed as MINISTER! maybe he thinks he still is

  5. One of those two fine folks sure does like to go after people on the Twittmachine...


  6. what that says about Wilkinson's caucus. They pander to the white vote and a certain type of male.

    its what back in the day we used to call the "queen bee syndrome". yes, back in the 1970s that is what you'd hear. omg, I'm still hearing and its 2020. yikes!
