Friday, December 11, 2020

Has The 'Pro Athletes Are Special' Charm Offensive Begun?


A most interesting lede from a fellow named Rick Westhead yesterday who just happens to write for a decidedly not disinterested Canuckistanian media organization called 'The Sports Network':

Imagine NHL icon Sidney Crosby, U.S. Open winner Bianca Andreescu or rising NBA star Jamal Murray rolling up their sleeves and smiling into cameras as healthcare workers inject them with a COVID-19 vaccine.

Would seeing and hearing from prominent sports stars who agree to be inoculated help convince Canadians who are hesitant about the prospect?...

Expect more of this kind of codswallop from a media organ grinder monkey site near you soon!

And then watch for the moment when 'serious' commentators start to wonder aloud if the 'good' that can be done just might, perhaps, justify queue jumping.

For the 'good' of the little people, of course.


To his credit
Mr. Westhead does include a description, buried way, way under the lede, about how things went off the rails PR-wise when the Calgary Flames 'constituents' got the swine flu vaccine ahead of vulnerable citizens in 2009.


1 comment:

  1. Disgusting, but not unexpected. I read somewhere Wall Street Masters of the Universe are in the process of being declared essential workers as well, no doubt ahead of healthcare workers in the rollout.

    But hey, I for one am perfectly willing to die as long as Erin O'Toole and Ted Cruz are kept healthy and happy.

    And, I'm starting to get really, really, really, really worried about the deficit

