Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Insurrection Watch: The Worst Of The Worst.


Ari Fleischer helped gin up the war with Iraq back when he was the press secretary for then president George W Bush.

Later, he became a 'both sides do it' justifier of all things extremist Republican, including birtherism.

Today, as some very, very fine folks were getting ready to storm the US Capitol during a joint session of Congress Mr. Fleischer had this to say:

And that word 'insurrection'
in the title to this post? It is not mine. Instead, it is Mr. Biden's and Mr. Romney's.
Update: Perhaps I was wrong about that worst of the worst thing...



  1. Here’s a candidate for the worst of the worst. Can’t let an insurrection go to waste, they only come every couple of hundred years.

  2. Keith--

    Fundraising off of the back of a faux insurrection in real time?

    Yes, indeed, that would be right up there.


  3. Watched it off and on all day. None of it surprised me. As one Democratic politician advised on MSNBC, she had phoned her husband last evening to tell him where her will was. that was how worried she was about today. The Capital Police did not do their job, nor did the other police forces. Compared to how BLM protestors were treated, with tanks, bullets, chemicals, etc. and how these terrorists were treated, omg, now we know. Actually saw a police officer on the news helping a female rioter down the stairs. A black protestor would have been shot and killed.

    This is what the Republican enablers did. they set the stage for this. It was only a question of time.

    When an armed man went into our Parliament buildings one man with a pistol took care of it. In the U.S.A. they invade and nothing is done. I don't know if the police didn't have bullets in their guns in DC but really it makes me wonder. On the other hand all those terrorist thugs were pretty white.

    IF this continues, and it is spilling out into state legislatures, the U.S.A. won't last that long, as it has historically been structured.

    The U.S.A., just another term for "shit hole country".

  4. Fliescher is a divider, and seems to take a certain pride and delight in the role. The tweets that came after his didn’t offer a lot of hope for what goes on down there in coming years.
    Reading things like his and the replies plus various other articles through out this trump era, including the comments, , makes me wonder.
    Is it just a few loud people and groups or is it really a lot of people feeling this way and finally coming out and saying it. That being the types that don’t want to help the less able, the different coloured, those from other countries, those of different political persuasions, closeting different sexual orientations.
    The eye for an eye belief, problems can be solved with a gun or force, these are answers. Trying to see another point of view or trying to understand the roots of a societal problem, this is a waste of time. To have feelings, to point out injustice, to commit to helping others, to try to use the system to change the rules so that all are brought along with some level of equality and fairness, this is called out as being communist, unpatriotic, snowflake, leftist.
    I hope for a better future but after all that’s happened it’s hard to say. It is definitely time to do something to try to turn it around. Education being the first and best thing. More than that will be required however, it won’t be enough to just blame it on a few fill in the blanks.
    Canada is also not to be feeling smug about this, we can just as easily go down the same path.
    It took a long time to get to this point, years, it may take just as long to get to a better place.

  5. Perhaps I should have given the “full disclosure” statement.
    I was born in the states, New York, and lived there until I was 8 years old. My parents are Canadian.
    The neighbourhood I lived in had kids from many different ethnic backgrounds and we all played together in the little park across the street.
    At P.S. 101 we did all the stuff American kids do at school, pledge allegiance to the flag, the Lord’s Prayer, every morning.
    I remember it being an inclusive school, mixed races, a social conscience, learning about what I think now we’re pretty big topics for grade ones and twos. We wrote letters to the president, Nixon, to ask that a certain convicted criminal not be executed.
    We studied the great artists and we followed the space program. I have good memories of my early years there. I still have a place in my heart for America and I hope it can find its way safely through this troubling period.

  6. This family is tied for the lead for worst of the worst. Any rival need only play the video should any of them ever try to run for public office in future.


  7. By Vice-President Mike Pence The Wall Street Journal, on January 16, 2020:

    .... as all eyes turn to the U.S. Senate and another partisan impeachment, and the parallels between Ross’s time and our own are striking.

    Then as now, a political faction has forced a partisan impeachment through the House in the heat of an argument over a difference in policy. Then as now, this faction has cheapened the impeachment process, which the Founders believed should be reserved for only the most grave abuses of the public trust.

    But despite the focus on what a handful of Republican senators may do, the true profile in courage, as Kennedy understood it, would be a Senate Democrat willing to stand up and reject a partisan impeachment passed by the Democrat-controlled House.

    The question naturally arises: Who, among the Senate Democrats, will stand up to the passions of their party this time? Who will stand up against “legislative mob rule” and for the rule of law? Who will be the 2020 Profile in Courage?

    Better yet, mike, how many republicans will stand up and accept impeachment for trump?
