Thursday, July 01, 2021

Trump Org Charges...The Lede And The Takeaway.


The lede, from the Guardian's Dominic Rushe and Victoria Bekiempis:

The Trump Organization and its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, have been charged with a “sweeping and audacious illegal payment scheme” of tax-related crimes, marking the first criminal charges against the former president’s company following a years-long investigation by New York prosecutors...

The takeaway, from the same piece:

...Prosecutors have been pressing Weisselberg, 73, to cooperate with their investigations but with little success so far...

Which has us wondering just how many big corpMedia outlets are scrambling to book Michael Cohen, like, immediately.

Guess only time and/or the next news cycle or three will tell.



  1. What are the chances Trump and his spawn would allow an employee of their organization to set things up to commit fraud on the tax system while always paying their own taxes?

  2. Lew--


    They don't need no stinking chances!

    (or some such thing)

    Meanwhile...there are whispers about that father and one of the spawn could be in some jeopardy over consulting fees received in the Lotuslandian tower deal.


  3. Your link mentions 'Holborn Group'. Is that the same Holborn Group that purchased Little Mountain for a song ... under .... suspicious circumstances based on a handshaking!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/trump-vancouver-201306019.jpg

  4. The news reports seemed to suggest the off spring who might be next, for charges such as Weisselberg will be the princess herself.

    As Michael Cohen said today doesn't matter how prepared you are for the arrest, it is very real when they put on the handcuffs. Now that would be fun to watch, the princess in handcuffs. wonder if it will start a trend

    At some level it wasn't a bad day, Rumsefield died and Weisselberg was arrested. Now lets see if he makes a deal because it is doubtful he will be interested in going to jail, like Cohen.

  5. Trumps wives had grudge pregnancys, some body had it in for the Donald

  6. e.a.f.--

    It may come down to whom the accountant fears most...

