Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Crawling Through The Bloggodome...And Other Digital Spaces Too.


Jen St. Denis has an important piece in the Tyee on the local activists who are trying to end the war on drugs...I found the following passage to be most chilling..."Drugs sold on the street today are so dangerous that users risk death every time they consume them."...And that, as St. Denis chronicles, means drugs used by absolutely anyone at all, including all of our sons and daughters who are just out being kids (and doing pretty much what their parents used to do) on a Saturday night...Regarding that, Bethany Lindsay of the CBC notes that it's not just (people we most often think of as) the addicted who are dying due to a contaminated street supply.

Norm Farrell writes about local academic Kyle Willmott's work tracking those who seem bent on conflating our colonial policies, past and present, with things like taxpayers' (alleged) rights...

Charlie Smith scares the bejeebuz out of us by giving good advice to the Snowmen running the Falcon.

Bob Kronbauer explains why he thinks that a local (no longer) terrestrial D.J. named Carson, who is really not a kid anymore, will make a play to become the Great White North's JRogan.

Ottawa the good...and the gooder (two tales of occupation-driven surges in donations to organizations that actually help people).

Those that have been stopping by here for awhile may remember our good friend the Reverend Paperboy...Well, in case you missed it, he's blogging (pretty darn regularly) again!

'Base Patrol To Major Ted'...Mitchell Thompson, writing in Jacobin, profiles the man who kick-started the new right movement in Canada. Of course, those still riding high atop the collective base that Mr. Byfield built think they can control it. 

Now that many among us are starting to fly again Jill Filipovic thinks it's time, with good reason, to ban the jerks from the cigar tube.

PZ Myers explains why you might not want to get too excited about the prospect of Mr. Musk's minions implanting a chip in your head.

Previous crawls are...Here.


1 comment:

  1. Many of those dying a men in their 30s/40s, who have jobs, and die at home alone.

    Providing clean drugs would certainly help, but there will always be a market for "street" drugs. We know where the drugs come from. We know who imports the drugs, we know who sells the stuff. It time to make this an unprofitable business.

    Not only do people die from these drugs, some don't and the impact on their lives is horrific.
