Monday, December 19, 2022

The Turning Of The Screwed.


The following is from an insightful piece by Frank Graves and Stephen Maher in the Walrus on the start(r)gy of the good Mr. Poilievre that is clearly based on ginning up all the fears of the disinformed:

...In the packed rallies he held across Canada (in the run-up to the CPC leadership vote), Poilievre seemed to tap directly into fears that the country was under attack from what he called “vaccine vendettas.” As close watchers of Canadian politics for over thirty years—one of us the founder and president of Ottawa-based pollsters Ekos Research Associates and the other a long-time reporter—we had never quite seen a campaign so successfully deploy such extreme narratives to its advantage. It seemed like a new turn in our political history...


Who, and or what, will Mr. Poilievre and his handlers, who include the likes of the longtime scorched-earth purveying con-op Jenni Byrne, vilify next in an effort to burnish their authoritarian-adjacent brand?


The Bank of Canada? 




The CBC?

The CRA?


National, Provincial and/or Local Public Health authorities?

My money is on all of the above, and more.

Why am I of the opinion that it is the screwed who are being turned and wound ever tighter by the likes of Mr. Poilievre and Co.?...Because, as Mr. Graves' polling has determined (and as is made clear in the Walrus piece), these folks truly are disinformed. They also distrust government to do anything useful whatsoever and they are often economically disadvantaged...In other words, these are the very folks that will, overall, be most negatively affected if far right authoritarian-adjacent operations like the one being fronted by Mr. Poilievre gain power.
Update: A reader offline has pointed out that Mr. P. and Co. will likely also soon vilify that bastion wokeness, the CD Howe Institute given their recent policy paper about how Covid vaccines saved Canada billions, with a 'B'.


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