Sunday, January 08, 2023

Never Trumper, Canadian Style?

According to Konrad Yakabuski in the Globe and (no longer Empire) Mail, former CPC leader Erin O'Toole wants to see red meat right-sided reactionaryionism toned down in 2023:

Former federal Conservative Party leader Erin O’Toole spoke for many Canadians distressed at the increasing nastiness of our political discourse in tweeting a desire to see fewer “profanity-laden Trudeau flags” hoisted across the country in 2023. He was spot on in warning that these banners attacking Prime Minster Justin Trudeau “and the hyperaggressive rhetoric that often accompanies them are slowly normalizing rage and damaging our democracy.”...


Just like all those right-sided Never Trumpers down south, who themselves first built the myoglobin-smeared glass house that is the modern Republican party before jumping ship when the Donald pulled their meal tickets, Mr. O'Toole, too, did his part to get the reactionaries riled in the name of political expediency back when he had real, actual skin in the game:

...Mr. O’Toole ran for his party’s leadership in 2021 by promising to “take back Canada.” The slogan implied that conservatives had been dispossessed of their own country by a Liberal government that was pursuing a leftist agenda. It sought to stoke indignation and anger in just enough new and old Tories to win the leadership under rules that gave disproportionate weighting to low-membership ridings...

And then there were the stunts like the 'Trudeau's outhouse video' noted at the top of the post.


When Mr. O'Toole is ready to make like Stuart Stevens and come clean about his active role in putting his party and the Canuckistanian conservative movement on the flaming highway to h-e-double-toothpicks I'll be happy to start paying attention to anything else he has to say.

Because anything less is just hypocritical, flack hackery-driven damage control and/or a state(r)gy designed to get himself a permanent seat on a Power and Politics panel.


Stuart Stevens
you may be asking?...Driftglass explains. 
And it's not just rehabilitating seats on TeeVee shows these suddenly reasonable right wingers are looking for...There is also the grift aspect of the thing...Case in point is 'The Lincoln Project' that is run by some of the dirtiest tricksters that ever ran a US Republican political campaign raised $87 million, plus, during the 2020 presidential election cycle.


1 comment:

  1. In my age of discontent, I am driven to despair by the Conservative Party's continues wish to be a Trumpian clone.

    Trudeau's Liberal's are, sadly enough, the only party that can govern the country, yet I rate them a mere 3 out of 10.

    The NDP, is now headed by a politically/ethnically/religiously correct band of self serving politicians that the party will remain just North of a joke.

    Memo to Jagmeet Singh: An opposition party is to oppose, not to shore up a rotten government.

    The rest of the Ottawa crowd are just collecting stipends are taking orders from Beijing.

    And one wonders why people don't vote.

    As we saw in Vancouver's recent civic election a an alphabetical Party of Convenience, with a last minute $1.5 million advertising campaign stole city hall, we will see the same both provincially and federally (politcal successes are copied ad nauseum).

    In the end, the conservatives, who should be a party to get rid of Trudeau, has become more toxic than the aging son of god, which in the end, gives the voter no real choice and pining for a few weeks in Palm Springs is the better option.

    Take back Canada - HELL I want to take back my Canada, stolen by politicians by all politcal parties for their own personal politcal gain.
