Monday, January 02, 2023

They're Back.

C. and I first saw John Carney's low budget Irish ode to the Busker's life, the movie 'Once', in the Park theatre on Cambie Street one warm summer evening in 2007.

I can't even remember why we went, probably something I read somewhere.

Regardless the reasoning, I was immediately flummoxed by the thing, mostly because it was a musical where the story literally was the songs, and the making and playing thereof wherever and/or whenever.

Within days I was a wannabe, something akin to the 'banker' in the movie that the protagonists, the 'Guy' and the 'Girl', bamboozle into lending them money to record their songs.

Since then the folks that played the 'Boy' and the 'Girl' in the movie, who had a really good run of their own, both on streets and on stages the world over, have gone their separate ways.

But they came back together to sing the Oscar winning tune from the movie this past holiday season, as shown above.


Meanwhile, here is what the wannabe/banker talked his oldest kid, who was then and is even more now the real thing, into doing almost 12 years ago to the day...


And, yes, that most certainly is the Whackdoodle I roaming around underfoot, above.



  1. Its been a very long time since I've heard the song. Thank you.

  2. You're most welcome e.a.f.--

    Hope all is well with you and yours this New Year!

