Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Stand Back And Stand....errrrr....Take The Stand.


Surprise, surprise:

Defense attorneys for five Proud Boys leaders intend to call former President Donald Trump to testify as a witness in their clients’ seditious conspiracy trial.

 However, it remains unclear whether their effort will succeed.

Lawyers for Joe Biggs, a Proud Boys organizer from Florida, revealed a subpoena Thursday that would compel Trump’s appearance in March and said they would seek the Justice Department’s assistance with serving Trump.

 “Donald Trump called on patriots to stop the steal,” said Biggs’ lawyer Norm Pattis. “We’re calling on Donald Trump to take the stand.”...

If it does happen, which is unlikely, you can bet that the former guy's new moniker will almost certainly soon become Donald J. Trump 'The Fifth'.

If it's not already.




  1. Trump, as witness for the defense??!! God do they have a death wish?

  2. EE--

    According to the reportage...

    ..."Members of the defense team have also sought to blame Trump for the riot. It was Trump who “unleashed the mob” on Jan. 6, Sabino Jauregui, a lawyer for Tarrio, said in opening statements last month."...

    I wonder what Roger Stone would have to say about who zoomed who if he were compelled to take the stand and speak under oath.


  3. Never in the field of human testimony was so little given to so many by so few.

  4. It’s either too late or too early from tRump to take the 25th.
