Saturday, March 11, 2023



Cory Doctorow, writing at his website 'Pluralistic' (you can find it on the left side Blogcrawl), makes the case that a lot of corporations, not averages Joes and Jolinas that received pandemic relief, have been driving a significant portion of the long part of thepost-Covid inflationary tail by using the entire thing as an 'excuse' to raise their prices:

...(N)ot all the price rises were temporary, nor could they all be attributed to supply shocks. Reporters who tuned into earnings calls from large, monopolistic packaged goods companies like Colgate-Palmolive, Unilever and Procter and Gamble were amazed to hear CEOs and CFOs boasting about how they were able to use the excuse of inflation to raise prices...

Imagine that!


1 comment:

  1. And what has the federal and provincial governments done?

    Nada, het, nicht.

    Eby's and Singh's party of the people? Hello, anyone there?

    The entire g**d*** country is on the take.
