Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Evidence? We Don't Need No Stinking Evidence!


Well, well, well...

It turns out that the Algorithm of the Twits downgrades posts that contain links.

Fellow single shingle blogger Mike the Mad Biologist explains:

...Admittedly, Elongated Muskrat just tweets whatever daffy shite pops into his head, so he’s not big on the whole notion of evidence, but people should be aware that tweets with supporting evidence–and supporting evidence is what links are–get dinged by the algorithm...

In other words, evidence-free claims are more likely to go viral than the opposite.

Imagine that!

I am of the opinion that any site/app that uses algorithms to push content at users should be considered a publisher not a platform...Put another way, such pushers...errrrr...publishers should be responsible for any and everything posted on their sites that can be wurlitzered by the algorithms they control...



  1. I must admit I still enjoy doomscrolling through twitter but the most aggravating this is I can't seem to get rid of Pierre Poillevre no matter what, his latest stupidity shows up all over the place. Case in point- his letter to Elongated Muskrat about having the CBC declared a state operated radio. Shame on us if this weasel gets anywhere near the PM's office. Tim W

  2. Tim-

    The good Mr. P. and his minions appear to be taking their cue from a certain Mr. Carlson, formerly of Bowtieland.

