Wednesday, September 13, 2023

One More Example Of The Creeping Americanization Of Our Body Politic.


There is this ridiculous thing that happens over and over and over again after needless, preventable tragedies occur in the States, which is that politicians of certain ideologic stripe inevitably offer up nothing but 'Hopes and Prayers' and exhort all concerned not to 'politicize' the issue.

The editorial cartoon shown above was published in the Washington Post a few years ago after the worst mass shooting in American history occurred in Las Vegas. It was a terrible tragedy that was driven by the ability of one person to legally acquire multiple high capacity semi-automatic AR-15-like weapons that he then used to kill, maim and injure huge numbers of people in a very short period of time for no good reason at all.

Of course, this is an extreme example of the 'Hopes and Prayers' crutch that is used by US politicos who don't want to actually do anything re: responsible gun control that would massively decrease the incidence of mass shootings that now occur pretty much daily in that country.

The same see/hear/speak no evil strategy in the face of, essentially, preventable evil has spread to other realms, including tragedies fuelled by our rapidly escalating climate crisis.

But what about much, much more easily preventable E. coli outbreaks in privatized daycares?

In, say, Canada?

Does that result in immediate calls from our politicians for increased regulation of the kind we used to have before self-regulatory policies allowed Listeria to bloom, willy nilly, in meat cutters?


Most certainly not, at least so far in Alberta as Andre Picard noted recently in the Globe (and no longer Empire) Mail:

The outbreak of E. coli that is unfolding in a small number of Calgary daycare centres is absolutely horrific. As of Sunday, there had been 190 cases reported, including 27 patients hospitalized, of whom 20 have “severe illness.”...


....Despite the magnitude of this problem, we have yet to hear a peep from Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, who is (checks notes) Dr. Mark Joffe. AHS seems to be content with releasing a daily count of the hospitalized, and basic information telling parents what to do if their children fall ill. Meanwhile, both Premier Danielle Smith and provincial Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange have been “sending thoughts and prayers” to parents. Argh...

Enough said?



  1. both Premier Danielle Smith and provincial Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange have been “sending thoughts and prayers” to "PARENTS".

    .... are those 'thoughts and prayers' genuine, or the same ones, that those politicians invoke on election night?

  2. Waiting for the next part...

    “ And now is not the time to make any decisions one way or the other until all the facts are established.”

  3. The two great Orwellian phrases, the politcal "thoughts and prayers" and the bureaucratic "Have a nice day", both mean the same thing, F*** Off, we don't give a damn.

  4. Not surprising in the response of the Premier of Alberta and the Health Minister. children don't vote, so who cares. Their parents might vote, but they'll most likely be too over come by grief to vote next election or too busy looking after their disabled child.

    Daniel Smith doesn't care about anything much but herself and her politics, What happened in Alberta is just another e.g. of how well privitization works and the lack of health inspectors with some power to effect change.

    It will be interesting to see how the law suits go. It wasn't as if they didn't know about the problems at the commercial kitchen. They knew the food went to children. Like how ugly does it get. These are little human beiongs who rely on the adults to ensure their health and safety. What did the government of Alberta do to protect them? NOTHING.
    I'd suggest a trial for the Premier and those involed for child endangerment and if a child dies, manslaughter.
    Thoughts and prayers are nothing, We;ve heard it so frequently from politicians of all stripes all over the place, it is truly meaningless. You'd think at least some PR person would figure out a new line.
