Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Memes Of The Very Weird.


The following is part of a US'ian Heritage Foundation training video for the 2025 Project that was recently unearthed by ProPublica:

Essentially, the goal of this meme of the very weird is to paint policies and pols that/who try do something about Climate Change as being Anti-Family.

With that in mind...

Cue up the shape shifter of many names:

...In (JD) Vance’s July 28 interview (on Fox News), host Trey Gowdy asked him whether childless people can still be invested in America’s future. Vance, who is a father of three, responded, “of course,” and accused Democrats of blowing his remarks “out of proportion.”...


... “It’s the fact that the Democratic Party has become explicitly anti-family in some of their policies. In fact, you just heard Kamala Harris in a surfaced clip recently talk about how it was a bad idea to have kids because of climate change anxiety. So, really, what I’m trying to get at here, Trey, is that it’s important for us to be pro-family as a country.”...

Here is what Ms. Harris actually said at a Community College in Pennsylvania in September of 2023:

...Because young people — and, in particular, young voters — said, “We are going to direct and decide what is the direction of our country” … Because young people said, “We’re not leaving it to other people to decide how we’re dealing with the climate crisis” —  you know, I’ve heard young leaders talk with me about a term they’ve coined called “climate anxiety.”

Right? Which is fear of — of the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children, whether it makes sense for you to think about aspiring to buy a home because what will this climate be?

But because people voted, we have been able to put in place over a trillion dollars in investment in our country around things like climate resilience and adaptation, around focusing on issues like environmental justice...

In other words, Ms. Harris did not say that she thought it was a 'bad idea' to have children due to climate change, only that young people had concerns about doing so.

Regardless, if one were to buy into this particular meme of the very weird for just a moment, at least tangentially.

Doesn't this all mean that policies that significantly mitigate the effects of climate change are actually be pro-family - at least in the eyes of those young folks who are currently suffering from climate anxiety?

And, if that is the case, doesn't this mean that super fine folks like the trainers in the Heritage/Project video above and Elegiac Hillbillies everywhere should be backing the policies of Ms. Harris over those of, well...

You know.


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