Thursday, August 22, 2024

Vaccines For The Fall.


This is a snark-free/serious/no-fooling post to follow-up on today's earlier snarkoleptic bit on how bad it would be if RFK Jr were to become the US'ian Director of Health and Human Services


Katelyn Jetelina is an epidemiologist who does a great job of explaining all things public health so that there rest of of us can understand what is really going on.

She's got a great explainer up right now regarding the vaccines that will be available this fall for the Flu, COVID-19 and RSV.

It's a really great, informative post that summarizes the pros and cons on the various vaccines and provides informed suggestions on when to get them.

Here, for Bigger E who has been asking a non-epidemiologist about this (i.e. her Dad), is a quick summary on when to get the latest batch of COVID 19 shots:

If you were recently infected, wait 4-6 months. It doesn’t hurt if you get it earlier, but some research shows that waiting allows our antibody factories to update more effectively.

If you were not recently infected, the timing is a tough call. Either get it now—we are in the middle of a huge infection wave—or wait to increase protection against the winter wave (which may be closer to November). I will be getting mine when it becomes available.

I'm pretty sure that most of us olds here in Lotusland have been timed to get the next C-19 shot in the early fall (estimated by counting back six months to those spring shots most of us were offered). 

The upshot, as per Dr. Jetelina, is the following:

...There are some nuances for those looking for ultimate protection, but in the end, the best vaccine is the one you get!...

Earworm in the sub-header?


  1. Will get my boosters pronto!

  2. Getting vaccines is the only way I can maintain my credit as a 'cinester! Thanks for the reminder on the RSV which I have not yet had.

  3. Maybe even add a Monkeypox dart to the list.

  4. Beer - Same for me re: RSV but we are a little young for the free one as per Canada Health guidelines:

    "Adults 60 to 74 years of age, and not among the recommended groups for publicly funded RSV vaccine programs, may consider RSV immunization in consultation with their healthcare provider. The duration of protection of the RSV vaccine is not yet known, and it is unclear if the protection offered by vaccination can be boosted by subsequent doses. Therefore, healthy individuals who are less than 75 years of age may want to discuss deferring vaccination with their health care providers to a future time when they may be at greater risk of severe RSV disease and the vaccine may confer greater benefit." (BC is following these rules)

    GarFish-- I hear you but there are heavy restrictions for eligibility at the moment here in Lotusland.


  5. read the information. still confused about the covid shot. Didn't get the last one on time and the pharmacy says they are out of that one and I have to wait for the new batch and that means I'll have 3 months without a shot. Guess its time to speak to the doctor. I'm 75 and don't want to take any chances. I do plan to see how this current story ends: who wins the provincial election; what is going to happen to Vancouver's rezoning, how will Alberta implode; who wins the American elections; want to see if Ukraine wins the war--well as far as winning a war goes. want to see how a bunch of toddlers I know will be as teenagers--I remember their parental units during those days.

  6. e.a.f. - I think the issue is that the new vaccines (best against the new variant strains) haven't come in yet because they haven't (or were just) approved yet.
