Sunday, September 08, 2024

Founders v. Stooges?


By now you may have heard about the story of the Russians from the no-longer-so-venerable Kremlin propaganda pusher called 'RT' that used an American 'media' front....errrr....'outlet' to funnel millions of dollars to YouTube influencers with pre-existing anti-Ukranian views who are now claiming that they were innocent stooges in the enterprise.

But what of the founders who set up and ran Tenet Media, the outlet/front that allegedly funnelled the millions into the open gullets of the innocent stooges?

Well, here's a bit of their story, courtesy of Jonathan Montpetit and Aloysious Wong of the CBC:

...The media outlet was unnamed in the indictment (from the US DoJ), but it was clear from details within that the charges referred to Tenet Media, founded in 2023 by the Canadian influencer known as Lauren Chen and her husband, Liam Donovan...


...Neither Chen, Donovan nor (Canadian influencer Lauren) Southern are the subject of criminal charges, and none are named in the indictment.

But the allegations have jeopardized their standing within right-wing circles.

Chen has already been fired from another conservative website, Glenn Beck's The Blaze. Her YouTube channel, which had more than 572,000 subscribers, was terminated on Thursday. And her bio page on the website for Turning Point USA, a pro-Trump campus activist group, has been deleted.

YouTube also removed Tenet Media's channel on Thursday, saying "it violated our community guidelines."...


Did the Founders, Ms. Chen and/or Mr Donovan, know that they were acting as an RT front for the funnelling of Kremlin-Kash to the Stooges?


Emptywheel thinks that, despite the claims to the contrary that are (very likely) sure to come, there is evidence, based on past, pre-Ukranian invasion performance, that this just may be the case:

... As the indictment describes, before the invasion of Ukraine, Chen got paid directly from RT...And Donovan got paid by RT and Ruptly until later than that: May 2022...


...So Chen and Donovan used to work directly for RT, and then just about the time of the Ukrainian invasion, set up shop in the US (by starting Tenet media), allegedly participating in a ruse by which they hid the Russian source of their funding...


...Chen set up this business such that she’d be subject to the laws of and some tax burdens in both Canada and the US. She did that at precisely the moment where the impending invasion of Ukraine made such issues more sensitive. And since then, she has done things that provide some evidence that she’s in on the ruse: that she knows she’s evading some laws or regimes by using corporate and financial cut-outs.

Those things likely provide enough to make her US accounts subject to probable cause warrants...

This could get really interesting if the warrants start to fly and the stooges start flipping.

Assuming they haven't already.

Started flipping I mean.



  1. Most news is polluted regardless of where it comes from.
    Much of the false news we read or watch comes form one government or another or from private enterprises that have a financial risk at stake.
    We are bombarded with 'news' that our lifestyle may be in peril on a regular basis from all sides of the political and religious spectrum's.
    Add to this the ever present , often false and misleading, advertising campaigns to buy more , it's no wonder many are confused about the realities of life!
    We live in a world that has unsustainable expectations so the powers of the day offer distortions and deflections from the truth.

  2. These people were also active on the Canadian side as well, but I haven't seen very much about it in the MSM except here:

  3. What the hell is an influencer? Are people so weak that........... F*** don't answer that.

    The Eye has a lot of unpopular opinions and I get up the nose with many people but, I read and I learn, something many today do not do.

    Today, news is Orwellian "Unnews" meant to deceive us and believe what the corporate brands that own the media want us to believe.

    The government is a big purveyor of "UNNews", which includes the CBC, but the other corporate "UNNews" outlets do a good job with "puff stories" and government directives masquerading as the real deal.

    This is not the 70's, 80.s and 90,s as the likes of Webster and Mair are long gone and the other stalwarts of real news are retired.

    Today what passes for news is merely yellow journalism, tarted up as news by, i guess - influencers.

  4. I foresee an Iggy cover about to be broadcast from the basement.

  5. Beer--

    Oooh boy...Now that is some challenge you've laid down there!


  6. Not surprising. We had false information going non stop during COVID. Now that there are elections coming and a couple of wars expect to see more of this.
    If people want to believe whatever some one writes, regardless of how silly, good luck to them. We do have a problem with the MSM because most of what they print is not that informative and usually is trying to keep people from seeing the true picture.
    Did that lovely couple know what was going on or were they just innocents just stumbling along? Of course they knew what was going on, No one can be that stupid.
    I'll have to check out Empty Wheel. Thank you for the heads up.

  7. The Tyee has a piece up today as well on the matter. Still early days yet but the info is starting to come out. As per the ref/con associated are getting righteously indignant at being asked questions. Hopefully the pressure intensifies and someone spills a few beans. It seems though, going by the weak to non answers so far from the named players, they didn’t see this exposure coming and have nothing prepared.

  8. Well the Tyee is no longer a reliable source of info as they do censor people who have contrary opinions.

    Sadly they have joined the rest of the mainstream media and only print news if it fits with their politcal agenda.

    1. I disagree of course. Is the Tyee perfect? No, but they are good and they do try to keep some decorum on the commenting side. I think they try to keep the bunk purveyors at bay too which is also good by me. They offer articles on many topics that are not covered elsewhere or not extensively. By all means don’t visit if you don’t like it but to say that they are somehow not fit for consumption is simply not true. As well, in this world of mostly right wing, conglomerate owned media the Tyee is a refreshing change and offers opinions and voices not much heard elsewhere.

  9. I got banned over this statement: "The bicycle lobby has done far more long term harm than good with transportation planning". This was with the utterly daft plan to let cyclists ignore stop signs.

    The Tyee was good, but after the passing of Mair and politcal correctness has doomed the Tyee, to be a cheap Fox News North Left sort of affair.

    Their stories on transit are mere "Puff stories" worthy of Dead Dog 98, Global and the Sun.

    1. I have seen many, many comments at the Tyee and many of questionable source, reason, sensibility, politics or intelligence. I haven’t seen any of those posters get banned. There is a guy that changes his handle every week and claims he is banned but everyone sees all his posts, unfortunately.
      So I find it hard to believe your banned claim. Are you the poster who used to post there that by Zweisystem? He did a lot of posts about transit and they were very intelligent and knowledgeable as he worked in the trade.
      It does seem like you go out of your way to cause a fuss for some reason.
      The rule on bikes and stop signs had nothing to do with ignoring the stop sign and everything to do with making sure it was safe, first, and then proceeding if this is so. All while not coming to a complete stop if possible. This is probably what most intelligent cyclists do already, I know I do. Riding a bike is about getting one’s momentum up and keeping it if possible.

  10. EE--
    I agree that getting banned for the statement you note does seem a little bit much.

    However, when it comes to the stories in The Tyee, I very much agree with Graham that there is good stuff and good people writing there. The story that Graham linked to by Jen St. Denis is an excellent example of both, in my opinion. Importantly, the story contains information/reportage that you will not find in the local Post, Glacier or Black media organs.


    1. I have a belief if one gets banned or censored for statements, other than Libelous or offensive nature, because thy are somewhat are afraid of the comment, makes all news stories suspect. Who else has been banned; what comments have been censored?

      The Vancouver Sun has never inked an honest story about TransLink and/or the SkyTrain light-metro system and I do not subscribe to or read.

      Dead Dog 98 (and if the rumours hold true it just maybe a real dead dog 98) after the Corrus buy-out, ceased to be a worthy news source. The late George Garrett was one of the best newsy we had and all we get today is regurgitated drivel, not worth listening too.

      The sad fact is the corporate/politcal media (the Tyee is a politcal media source) have all ceased to present news as it stands, but slants it to meet their views, thus the news has become an Orwellian "unnews".

  11. Must say I very rarely tune into the Tyee myself any more which is a sure sign of lameness on their part. I may return if they gave the floor to someone who owned even one ball comparable to Hunter Thompson's pair. Our province and country scream for more gonzo, less so so.
