Rafe Mair and Charlie Smith strongly suggested as much this morning on the Mr. Mair's radio show.
Mr. Mair based his hypothesis on the fact that he received a call from a local heavyweight begging him to do an editorial backing the formerly Smilin' One.
Smith agreed, based on the same argument that we made previously (ie. Sullivan lost the 'grassroots' NPA membership sign-up race to Port Moody resident Christy Clark 2-1).
The pair of prognosticators then danced around the subject of the electability of both Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Clark against Jim Green.
Which was fine and dandy, especially the stuff about the ageless Lotusland Rainmaker Mae Brown, who, according to Smith, is apparently backing Clark.
But why, we wonder, did they ignore the elephant in the room.
You know, the one at the buffet table that has been ignoring all the food of any 'Substance' whatsoever while it gobbles canapes and swills, you guessed it, 'Martinis'.
The Future is Unwritten
2 hours ago
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