EmpireVilleYesterday we mentioned that Canada's new Dinosaur Jr. government jumped, with both feet, into the forced march towards that far-off valhalla known as 'Creative Destruction' in the Middle East when we voted with the United States (and only the United States), against a U.N. resolution designed to help Palestinian refugees return to their homes.
But not to worry.
After all, when you are not one of the chosen ones, who needs a Homeland to Secure as long as you've got a little green, especially if it's got 'humanitarian' written all over it in invisible ink.
Because, apparently, a little more cash is just what Condoleeza Rice now has in mind to assuage the non-existent, and certainly not seething, anger of all those
displaced persons:
"We are looking at ways to even increase our humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people during this period of time, but there are important choices that the Palestinian people face concerning the road map and the Quartet requirements," she (Ms. Rice) said.So, what's next - an exchange of hospitals and schools for cell phones and Wal-Marts?
And now that we are in the game, perhaps we could throw in a Timmy's or twelve.
After all, the idea of a honey-trapped Neocon Utopia sure worked wonders in Bagdhad.
Didn't it?
Photo-credit: The late Paul Moran.
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