What about cat blogging Friday you ask? Well, I just got home from work, the litter box needs changing and I need to vent, and no group is more satisfying to bash than Christians. Why not start my own blog for such miscreant vile? I think that's why Ross asked me to feel free to vent on his, knowing that soon I'd be posting on my own site .
So...we all wish that there was a saviour. It's noble to want to save our environment and stop suffering but what does Christianity offer in this lifetime? Well, God is coming back, but unfortunately in the last days when the world is fucked beyond reclaimation. Perhaps during Harper's tenure? Unfortunately, he's only taking a handful to heaven with him. God, not Harper. The rest of us, the billions and billions who have lived and died on this beautiful cruel world are going to hell for eternity. What a strange god to bring a saviour 2000 years ago when there was no global communication. Even the half billion on the planet when Jesus was here couldn't get the saving word. The billions who lived before Jesus...fucked. The billions since Jesus who didn't get the word...fucked. What about our many close human relatives, millions of Neanderthals, homo habilis, erectus , robustus...all fucktus I'm afraidus.
A religion of exclusion and intolerance. Given the choice, I'd rather spend eternity in hell with my fellow men than heaven with Pat Robertson, Falwell and all of the forgiven church pedophiles etc. As Nietzsche aptly noted, in heaven all of the interesting people will be missing.
Okay, I feel better. But what effect is all of this terrorism and violence having on our young people? The kids are alright Ross. Q
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