Monday, October 09, 2006

Check Your Snark At The Door


I'm on the road at the moment, staying in a place that just might be the actual inspiration for the real 'Pension Grillparzer'.

And while I have not yet been awakened by a bear on a unicycle or a man walking on his hands, there is a real WC down the hall and I can hear horses down by the fountain every morning.

And while my dreams are not so, so bad these days I do feel the need for some kind of a 'vision', literary or otherwise, to sustain me in this, the age of 'Crap Is All You Need'.

Luckily, by way of the magical treasure trove of the comment threads, I have received such a vision.

And even better, for a wannabe music man like me, there is a song to go with it.


Now, for all I know the link I'm going to give to you, which was given to me by Great Aunty Bertha, may be little more than yesterday's exhausted viral meme in the presque-vu world of the intrawebangerbarandgrillnets.

But I don't care.

Because it's a perfect combination of sound, vision, and, perhaps, a little bit of that wistful yearning that can only be turned from sadness into joy by people just being, well, human.


It is.


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