It all has to with claims by Mr. Charles McVety* of gargantuan support, both in terms of numbers of citizens and organizations, that supposedly wish to see Dr. Henry Morgentaler's** Order of Canada quashed.
First it was Buckets who started the fact-checker's ball rolling.***
Then it was a fantastic piece by Christopher Bird.
And now the torch has been passed to The Unrepentant One**** who demonstrates that even the apparently 'legitimate' organizations under Mr. McVety's sphere of influence may be less than meets the lazy he said/she said journalist's eye:
I started with "United Families Canada". UFC doesn't appear to have its own website, but there's a United Families International. "United Families Canada" isn't in UFI's list of chapters, but under "Projects" there's a link to a site called "Restore Marriage Canada", which claims to be a project of "United Families Canada".
United Families Canada has no website, no phone number, and -- great snappin' a**holes, it's the Ghost of KLRVU, back to haunt me! But with no web presence, no contact info other than this email addy for "Restore Marriage Canada", and no way of finding out who heads up this group, should it even qualify as a "group"?
Or if UFC is really just UFI, an American organization, should they really be named in a complaint against a Canadian SC justice? Who knows, maybe anyone in the world can file a complaint... or maybe this is just another case of "astroturfing for Jesus". Seriously, if all that's needed is an email addy, any a**hole could set up an "organization".
To which we can only add.......
*The choice of the title 'Mr.' is purposeful here, as some have raised what appear to be legitimate doubts about Mr. McVety's claim to being a 'Doctor'.
**Of course, Dr. Morgentaler is just that (ie. a real doctor).
***Especially after the current editors at the Globe and (nolonger)Empire Mail refused to do so.
****Who, by the way, seems to be getting younger and younger every day.
Finally, I'd missed the fact (maybe because I'm out of practice?) that the Divine Ms. Z. is all over this one too.
The Mango Candidate
2 hours ago
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