Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Could The Good People Who Ask You If You 'Want Fries With That'...

...Be The Ones Who Finally Stop Our Race To The Bottom?

From Josh Eidelson in Salon:

...In each (American) city, (fast food) workers are demanding a raise to $15 an hour and the chance to unionize without intimidation. With fast food jobs becoming increasingly prevalent in — and representative of — the U.S. economy, and embattled unions exploring and experimenting with tactics like those the fast food workers have taken up, their showdown has far-reaching consequences...

And it's even happening in the South.

Somehow, I figure this one could actually transcend race.

And it will be very hard for the screamers and the media maw to belittle and dismiss these folks as  'lazy, dirty rotten hippies' as was done with the members of the  Occupy movement.




Anonymous said...

There was 'lazy, dirty rotten lumies embedded in the Occupy Movement tho...

RossK said...

What you talkin' about Willi....errrr Anon?


Anonymous said...

Finally the low income Americans have figured it out, unionism is the only way to ensure your protected from the corporations and all their necessary evils. If you want to save yourselves, speak up and take charge of your destiny. If you don't, indentured servitude is all you will find in life...