Monday, May 22, 2023

A Most Happy Phone Call.


Back in ancient times, circa 2008, I forced my whole family to go and see Mr. Springsteen and his compatriots at the Lotuslandian coliseum that little Arthur built (and lost).

And while there was a whole lot more shuffling than dancing on piano tops down on E-street by then, at least everyone in the classic version of the band was still alive and our kids got a chance to see Clarence, ensconced stage left, roll out the magic musical carpet ride that is the Jungleland sax solo.


Back then, in the spring of 2008, littler e. had just turned nine.

And the following is one of the things about heading out to see that show fifteen years ago that warmed my heart:

...As we hustled across the last remaining Concord Pacific wasteland on the Northeast side of False Creek we could see all the tour trucks lined-up all along Pacific directly under the SkyTrain tracks.

"Are those all for The Show?" C. asked?

"Yup." I answered, scanning the shadows around the SkyTrain's gunmetal grey stanchions searching for a furtive looking Crazy Davy and/or Killer Joe doing a last minute deal, wine in hand.

"Oh!" exclaimed a suddenly skipping littler e., "It's just like the circus."...

The circus, indeed.

These days I mostly try to keep up with my all grown-up kids when it comes to the latest in music.

Occasionally, however, I sneak in under the wire and spout off on something new, interesting and unbeknownst to them.

A recent example?

The following recent text exchange:

Me: Why have you kids not previously informed me of the existence of 'The Beths'?

e: Sorry I don't even know them!

Me: Well then...Get listening!


A few weeks ago I got a phone call from e.

This was unusual given the penchant of our kids to use their thumb rather than their vocalis muscles to communicate via telephony.


I was prepared for bad or, at the very least, difficult news when I pushed the little red button on the black obelisk.

Boy, was I wrong.

Because e. was calling to ask if I wanted to go see Boy Genius at, of all places, the PNE.

Heckfire, yes, we are going...

And e. has even promised that we can hang out near the back so that I can (mostly) avoid embarrassment if and when Ms. Bridgers asks the kids in the crowd if any of them have Daddy issues.

Which, now that I think of it, is something that a younger Mr. Springsteen used to do, if somewhat more obliquely through the personal myth making, as well.


Song at the top of the post?...
An amazing, off-mic version of a first generation bg tune that I took a run at myself awhile back.
As for Bigger E...She's skipping this one because, in her words, 'I do not really like those girls'....However, both E's, C, and me, are all going to see Lucinda Williams and some passel of young shiftless kids called Big Thief though.



Danneau said...

My stepson was at a union gathering in Kamloops and was subjected to some sketchy music as part of the social side, he remarking that only the drummer 'got' reggae rhythm, leading to a discussion of simultaneous time signatures, wherein grandson was curious as to what that would sound like. I sent him home with my vinyl copy of Mahavishnu Orchestra's Inner Mounting Flame and a recommendation that he listen under headset lest he completely alienate the rest of the family in the course of exploring multiple off-beat time signatures executed by daring explorations of superb musicians. That was Sunday, and I haven't heard back.

RossK said...

Hey Danneau--

Maybe you better check in and make sure everyone is OK!
