Saturday, October 21, 2023

Day 47.


Today, a Saturday, is day 47 of 94.

Which means I am now lucky enough to be halfway through a cursed, nine circle deep academic term that even the likes of the Miss Trunchbull and/or Donald Sutherland in Animal House could not possibly imagine.

And all of that is made worse by the fact that the Orioles are out and I despise every single team still remaining in the baseball playoffs*.

But no matter.

This morning, the Whackadoodle II and I went down to our favourite spot where the river meets the sea.

And it was fun.

Now though?


There are a slew of abstracts to mark, a thesis to edit, and lectures to write while that manuscript I really should be working on sits waiting.

Hopefully it won't be another 47 days.

Before I get back to that manuscript I mean.

*And, just to be crystal clear...
Not even Bochy and Kyle Seager can redeem the detestable Rangers for me...Same goes double for Dusty Baker and the stinking Astros.
And, just to be double secret probation crystal clear...I brought this all on myself by agreeing to stuff a long time ago that I shouldn't have without letting some other stuff go...



e.a.f. said...

Good morning! Happy to see you and the wackadoddle back in print. Now that we all know you are alive and well, you may return to your work and hope you get through all of it in the next 47 days and then of course resume your writing on the blog.

Will you be getting time off a Christmas for good behaviour and can we look forward to posts at that time? Wackadoddle 2 looks great!

RossK said...

I don't know about the good behaviour e.a.f.

But there will definitely be time off from the teaching grind over the holidays...That will be scientific manuscript and blogging time in earnest!

W-II is a handful but a pretty cool dog...One thing that is changed in beach walks is that W-II is so crazy for having sticks thrown (and little chunks of bark kicked as part of sandbar soccer) that I can't walk along and strum the beach guitar like I could with the much more chill original W-I
