Friday, January 12, 2024

But What About A Steak-Based Poultice?


Remember the following, when it came to hydroxychloroquine, from back in the earliest days of the COVID pandemic:

"Trump said at a briefing in March (of 2020), “What do we have to lose? I feel very good about it.”..."

Of course, over the next six months, it was demonstrated over and over again that the compound was neither useful nor efficacious.



Back in the very earliest days (i.e. when treatment options for advanced/serious/life-threatening disease were not good), one could argue that the faith-based use of hydroxychloroquine did not do anyone serious harm.

But here's the thing...

As time passed and legitimate treatments rapidly improved, all the hype-backed, ideologically-driven 'faith' in the miraculous powers of hydroxychloroquine kept on keeping on.

And, as you might expect, what those with advanced/serious/life-threatening disease who kept the 'faith' ultimately 'had to lose' became significant in the extreme.

The following are the 'highlights' of a paper published last week by a French group in Biomedicine and Pharmacology:

  • Hydroxychloroquine was prescribed in hospitalised patients with Covid-19 despite of the low-level evidence.

  • Subsequently, HCQ use was associated with an 11% increase in the mortality rate in a meta-analysis of randomized trials.

  • The number of hydroxychloroquine related deaths in hospitalised patients is estimated at 16,990 in six countries.

  • These findings illustrate the hazard of drug repurposing with low-level evidence for the management of future pandemics.

Meanwhile, in the very fine state of Florida, the Surgeon General is currently telling the citizenry to avoid mRNA vaccines based on, it would appear, debunked claims.

Imagine that!

Once again...Ya, I've got archives and I'm going to use them...
We now return this little F-Troop blog to the matter at hand...Old guys talking about the weather!



Evil Eye said...

Well, it seems the USA is on the road to extinction and as for Florida, a yesterday's place for yesterday's people.

Keith said...

Doesn’t help the long term employment status by telling the truth in Florida, especially with desantis standing over ones shoulder at the press conference.

Trailblazer said...

Newspeak rules!
Well; it does in the US.

Those pesky 'alternative facts' !!

When is fact not fact?


Evil Eye said...

George Orwell, 1984, Animal Farm, Peace in our time, and 1933 all resonates with me.

Sadly, we have let our destiny be crafted by career bureaucrats, autocrats, politicians of all sorts, and our media.

Lies are now only for the great unwashed, truth is so rare in Canada that it has been deemed dangerous, alternative facts have come about because of our weak education system, flag wrappers and the rest of the so called higher purpose persons repeat lies so often that the public perceive them to be true.

Very few ask "why?" anymore or stand up to authority and demand real reasons for certain actions, instead of the pablum spoon fed to us by the mainstream media.

I have been witnessed to so much utter incompetence by our government; their bureaucratic lies, I just shake my head.

I literally have been a fly on the wall as a relative by marriage (there is a bridge named after him) who was a federal cabinet minister; I was also related my marriage to a former publisher of the Vancouver Sun and have met (in my youth) many of the great "newsies" such as Webster, Wasserman, Fotheringham, Holt and a lot more.

These people we intelligent and took no nonsense from the ruling class. Well that is not so anymore as our news treats day old news as "breaking news" or use the evening news programs to be a gossip shop[ oohing and awing at puff stories so crafted as not to offend anyone.

The USA after Kent State made damn sure the average American remain ignorant about their civil rights and parachuted the out of control gun issue as a true civil right and it goes on and on.

This old Boomer shakes his head daily at the mess we have left, compounded by a largely socially ignorant Gen-x'ers who have exacerbated the problems.

I grew up in the age of the horrors of polio and the current anti-vax types leave me as cold as a corpse because without vaccines most of would return to be stardust. It seems in today's world, science is treated as an alternative fact, truth is sneered at and that moldy old personal honour is met with disdain.

A sad eulagy on what was once two great nations.

Chuckstraight said...

I kind of the thought the movie Idiocracy was humorous. It would appear to be coming true.