Friday, October 25, 2024

We Don't Need No Stinking Endorsements!


From Sewell Chan, writing in the venerable Columbia Journalism Review yesterday:

On Friday, the Washington Post’s publisher, Will Lewis, announced that the paper would no longer make endorsements for president—after its journalists had already drafted an endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. The decision was made by Jeff Bezos, the paper’s owner...

For the record, the same thing just happened at the Los Angeles Times.

Ian Bassin and Maximillian Potter, also writing in the CJR, have dubbed this type of cowardly hedging of bets as 'anticipatory obedience' from such titans of the US'ian (formerly) free press.

Image at the top of the post...Extreme weather fuelled drought in the Amazon basin.



GarFish said...

We've always known all the MSM newspapers are trash, Noam Chomsky can tell you that. What's new here? It's just all the news fit for the bottom of a bird cage

Graham said...

All the more reason to insure that we continue having media sources like the CBC.

GarFish said...

That'll be the first thing to go if Poilievre gets in!

Trailblazer said...

The press is not so free anymore.
We are ruled by greed.


RossK said...


I guess what I see as different here is that the Ed. Boards, presumably after consultation, had already made the decision before the owners received the message and reneged.


Good point Graham.

Thanks for that TB!


Graham said...

Meh, we’ll see IF he gets in as pm. I bet he chickens out on messing with cbc too much. Sure, his fans are all in on cancelling the voice of Canada but I think the majority appreciates the ceeb. He strikes me as a lot of talk, little on the action kinda guy. You know, a bully.

Anonymous said...

The owners of the Washington Post (Bezos and the L.A. Times ar deathly afraid of Trump's retribution to their billion dollar empires). They maybe, also afraid of Elon Musk, who is turning into a very dangerous sort of man, not unlike the old fictional James Bond enemies.

What we see is corporate greed, combined with corporate cowardice among the wealthy and it goes to prove that he Excited States is no longer a democracy, rather it is now become a Fascist State.

If Trump is elected, how long before the American gulags become death camps as per Trump's great hero?

How long before the excites states, born of revolution, has endured revolution, will sink back to a future revolution, made all the more sinister with all the evils of mass propaganda and the USA's Orwellian "Freedom of Speech" which translates to "you can lie your f***ing head off and you are free to do so". The truth does not mean much anymore and this putrid politcal ooze is now engulfing Canada.

Anonymous said...

The USA has already had two revolutions.
They fought within themselves during the war of independence and then again in the civil war.
Internal strife is not new to them.
The Canadian problem is they they export hate and division, with some success.
The USA suffers the same fate that other populous countries do in that it is just too big population wise, ethnicity wise and geographical wise.
The others are obvious being India China and Russia.