It's not just about having all the money.
Because the good Mr. Musk is using his government subsidy-buoyed rocket company to fill the earth's low orbital blanket with his cell towers in space.
How did this happen?
The complete lack of....
Wait for it...
Image at the top of the post is from Jonathan McDowell's Space Report that tracks satellites...His latest count is that 7,037 of the 11,217 statellites in earth's orbit are owned by Mr. Musk...McDowell's day job is as an X-Ray astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
For comparative purposes...Canada currently has 71 satellites in orbit.
The problem is collisions in space and several countries are very worried about this and point to the USA for letting this happen.
This could lead to future unpleasant situations.
Every radio-astronomer I know just wants to yeet him into the sun...
So who do I sue if one falls on my house, truck, or me? They say things burn upon re entry, but there is space junk which falls to earth. That is way too much junk in space. It ought to stop or space will be like some land in the Amazon and Africa, people just go in and set up mines, etc.
The story is fun. Is it based on the Murdochs or perhaps Musk, he does have a lot of kids with a lot of Moms
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