Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Could Eby Win One For The 'I' Team?



Update...... at bottom of post)


What's the buzz?

The real buzz 'round Lotusland I mean?

Well, I figure it centers around a tireless activist for Vancouver's homeless, David Eby, who almost, but not quite, made the cut on the Vision Vancouver Council slate on the weekend.

And how do I know his is the story of the moment?

Well, because when FABula, who has her fingers on more political pulse points in this City than a centipede has feet stuck to a melting Creamsicle, spends more ink on him than any of the high profile winners, it just must be*.

And besides, I saw how folks reacted to his Mr. Eby's near miss at the Vision party on the weekend.

This guy's got the goods.

So, here's what I say:

Draft David Eby...... for Independent Vancouver Councillor!

And if he needs money (he says, reaching for wallet), I know where I can find him some.


*Although, I must confess that I was most disappointed that there was not one specific reference to the woman who really kicked butt on nomination day - skateboarder Sarah Blyth (watch her video, and I triple double to the billionth power dare you not to vote for her on Nov 15th!)

You can hear more of those buzzing sounds
over at Mr. T's, the House of the Rising Creativists, and at Vancouver Manifesto's place as well (apologies if I missed anybody, let me know if I did).....

Update: Mr. Eby has a really great post up at his place now......he say's he won't do it......the I-Ching thing I mean....He does not, however, rule out helping Vision shape a housing policy that helps all Vancouverites.....and he does not rule out running again in the future......All of which is good enough for me (oh, and ya, you can see that even he was worried about what he would have done if the recount had flipped the vote.....I'm not kidding, it really is a good post....almost as good as the one that Ms. Reimer wrote after she lost her School Board seat in the last Muni-E on that black November day in 2005. And look where A.R. is now.......OK?


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