Thursday, July 16, 2009

RailGate A-Go-Go.....Who Knew What When?



In an earlier report I asked.....

Who knew that a bunch of RailGate Emails had been saved, despite what the Cabinet's man in court said back in June about them all being 'destroyed' a long, long time ago?

Well, as both Mark Hume and Neal Hall tell the tale, according to Kevin McCullough at least, an official in the Campbell government's employ was in possession of and/or knew of the existence of at least 'a few' Emails way back when....

" .....(defense lawyer Kevin) McCullough said one senior government official, David Morhart, had initially told police he had 2,000 e-mails that the RCMP could have, but no one seemed to take him up on his offer......"


Where have we heard Mr. Morhart's name before?

Oh yes, of course.

He's our new bureaucratic Crime Czar on the (not so) front line fighting gang violence.

But here's the thing.....

Back in the day, back when the RailGate deal was going down, Mr. Morhart had a very different job:

(click on image to expand red box)

And where did that handy-dandy little Org Chart come from? Why, it came from that old saw, the interim 'Fairness Evaluation Report', the then deflector-spin document that just keeps on giving.


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