Friday, August 26, 2011

Get Smart! Is It Just A Rounding Error, Or...

...Another Way To Shave Team Christy An Extra Point Off The Spread?

Because the number is 54.73%, as so many news organs like to keep spouting.

Do you remember us ever going to two decimal places in the past?


Interestingly, the Ceeb itself has gone to great lengths, in an unbylined web piece, to demonstrate how the good Mr. Smart was really, really tough on Ms. Clark re: Fall Election at her Presser this afternoon....What's that all about Alfie?...Is the MoCo trying to demonstrate that there is no conflictyness in Mr. Smart staying on as their TeeVee Ledge guy?....I mean, it's not like Mr. Smart couldn't do something crazy like just ask his life partner the question over the croissants and no-fat latte's at tomorrow (or, earlier this?) morning's breakfast.....Right?


  1. I just heard Baldrey call the numbers 54% to 46%. Now I'm old school (really old school) but in my day we were taught that if a percentage was over the .50 mark as in .51% then you moved it up to the next percentile. Baldrey, ever the lackie reduces the 54.73% to 54% and boosts the 45.27% to 46%. I think this guys obvious bias and spinning instead of asking real questions like, oh say, why does the finance minister say it will take almost twice as long to remove the HST as it did to implement it?

  2. I totally noticed the CBC post and how hard Smart pushed Clark for an answer... lol... Gawd, what next, a staged public row over said croissants where all the press can affirm how NOT connected they are in marriage?

    Thank you Ross, for everything you do.

  3. As I e'd you earlier (Sorry, e and E of your household!) thanks for what you do to expose the local MSM's constant shortcomings, RossK. Those of us who care about such things appreciate it.

    Keep it up, maybe the Media Masters will get the point one of these decades . . . .

  4. Gary - agreed it's 55....I think that Mr. Baldrey perhaps likes the 54 better because that's closer to his 'prediction'...Regarding The Birdman's slow re-implementation - he says it's right in line with what the independent commission suggested...You know the 'independent commission that had one of his former campaign staff giving advice during deliberations...


    Thanks Laila and Bob--

    But, truth be told, I'm mostly a guy yelling at his TeeVee/LongWaveReceiver via keyboard.

    However, when Harvey Oberfeld, goes after them....well...


  5. Ross...Perhaps the Jim Dinning independent panel should replace the ministry of finance...

    After all, it was Dinning who discovered the HST wasn`t revenue neutral but a $600 million dollar cash cow...

    It`s the Dinning panels numbers that Falcon cites, it`s Dinning`s timetable to undo the HST..

    Who needs hundreds working in finance when Jim Dinning has all the answers!

    Has the big media asked even once how an independent panel arrived at numbers that baffled BC`s ministry of finance for 18 months prior to the Dinning report?

    Not once!
