Monday, November 21, 2011

The Power And All The Glory Of The Kids At UC Davis


The restraint of the kids, I mean.

Well, they turned that restraint, and their non-violence, on the woman who ordered the macing yesterday.

The video below, which shows that restraint, is unbelievable in its power, a power that is only slightly dampened by the media idiots that won't shut the hell up as they repeatedly try for the trival sound-bite amongst the glory of all those silent kids.




  1. According to the reasoning of campus Chief of Police Annette Spicuzza, police should have been there to protect Chancellor UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi from the great threat posed by the students who surrounded her during this walk.

    From the Sacramento Bee:
    "Spicuzza said officers were forced to use pepper spray when students surrounded them. They used a sweeping motion on the group, per procedure, to avoid injury, she said.

    "There was no way out of that circle," Spicuzza said Friday. "They were cutting the officers off from their support. It's a very volatile situation."

    Read more:

  2. RossK,

    Thanks for your beautifully-worded statement of the facts of that otherwise unbelievably ugly California scene.


  3. Wouldn't it be ironic if the Vancouver Occupy relocated to Terry Fox Plaza for the weekend ... ?

  4. Norman--

    Can you imagine if the campus police had been there?

    Things could have really turned for the worse.

    Mary --

    I just found them so darned impressive. And for folks who know the University of California system, Davis is no Berkeley, or even Santa Cruz....Something really is happenin' there.


    You mean over Grey Cup Weekend?

    I dunno about that. They might do better if they set-up in downtown Shaughnessy.


  5. Only way Occupy could safely occupy Terry Fox Plaza this weekend would be by giving away free beer, hot dogs and rub 'n' tugs.
