Thursday, June 13, 2013

Here's To The State...

...Of The Golden Era.

OK, I'll admit it.

Over the past month or so (since approximately 8:18pm onTuesday May 14th to be more precise) I've pretty much disengaged politically.

Because, truth be told, I just got tired of being angry all the time about all the things that matter in this province.

And then....

Last Saturday morning, exhausted after a week of cigar tube travelling and science geek bunker hunkering, I was riding the egregiously overpriced ferry with littler e. when I made the mistake of opening the weekend edition of The Globe and (nolongerEmpire) Mail.

And there on the front page of the British Columbia section, with all their shiny teeth blazing, was Ms. Clark's new cabinet filled to bursting with her sycophants.

Including the new Attorney General.

And with that I lost it all over again.



How to express how I feel about all that is wrong with what matters most around here?


I've tried all week to write something as incendiary and to the point (although not necessarily with the same P.O.V) as the old curmudgeon, Rafe Mair's, latest.

But every one of my attempts has been a failure for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I just can't come to grips with the fact that non-stop lying, apparently, wins these days.

As a result, I've come to the conclusion that I really can explain the way I feel best in a song that is essentially, I guess, a protest-type deal reworked from the original by Phil Ochs.

The following version was done by Bigger E. and me awhile back....

The lyrics for the tune, which I first scratched out over an extended period back in the fall of 2011, are below...I actually posted this version up as an afterthought on election night and it, like this Sunday Setlist, has now passed the 10,000 listen mark so I reckon it must resonate with at least a few readers/listeners out there...To put that number in perspective, even the best of my long-form posts (here's an example, for anyone who still cares about the origins of Railgate) rarely pass the 2,000 view mark...
I really will try and get back to the poli-blogging, promise... But I've got another geek trip to make next week so anything serious will have to wait for a bit longer...

Here's to the state of the Golden Era...
Foisted by a leader whose heart and soul was in the bag...
And he ruled over a party with iron fist in think tag rags...
And when the veil was lifted...He'd sold of all we had...
Here's to the land he tore out the heart of...
Era's leader find yourself...Another Province to be part of...

Here's to the stealth of the Era's Henchmen...
Privatized a Railway....Raped rivers Everywhere..
Rawlogs and Sea-Lice Salmon...In the name of Market Share...
The Cronies with their hands out....Never considered what was Fair...
Here's to the Land they've torn out the heart of...
Era's Henchmen find yourself...Another Province to be part of...

Here's to the Lies of the Era's Spinners...
In the midst of all the plenty....A decade of children going down...
And the Seniors who need our help most...Get shuffled round and round...
While the Helpless and most Vulnerable are shouted down by Clowns...
Here's to the Land they tore the out the heart of...
Era's Liars find yourself another Province to be part of...

Here's to the Land of the People Rising...
Who stared down the Leader...Iron fist soon turned to Dust...
Said No to the Money Changers...Who's tax grab was not Just
And who see in the Replacement a Charlatan they can't.....Trust.
Here's to the Land of the People Rising...
Build ourselves a Province....Where our dreams can All be realized in...



  1. I know I haven't felt right since this past election. A certain sadness follows me. I can feel it also in other peoples words or even more so lack of words. My heart aches at the utter lack of respect shown to us and our province in the past and now our future by those who have been chosen for yet another term.
    Already the disrespect is back with their first few announcements.
    You and E have brought it forth exceptionally clear with your words.
    Thank You

  2. You shouldn't look at yesterday's edition of the Times Colonist either then Ross...still, I'll put in a link to the story in case you can't resist:

  3. You are not alone feeling despondent or disenfranchised. Many of us out here feel cheated. It has become to obvious to ignore that we live in a badly damaged society that rewards cheaters, liars and crooks.
    On the brighter side there is a new movement afoot to bring apps to our smart phones to report bylaw offenders and traffic offenders and be monetarily rewarded. Surely these offenders are one and the same that reward our politicians that follow no rules. Can't wait bring the apps on.

  4. Yeah, I'm finally dusting myself off and getting on with things tonight.

    This helped:

  5. When you see chrustie named Susan Anton as the A.G. of B.C. it is best to laugh. There are few who understand that annointment. Anton is so out of her league, the province would be better to pick up an articling student at random and go with them.

    Of course Anton being less than ideal for the position might be the whole idea. When clark or any other lieberal comes along with some hair brained idea, Anton will go along with it, not knowing she did anything wrong.

    I've decided if I look at it seriously, I will just stand there and shriek. Best to just laugh. Just when people thought it couldn't get any worse than the last cabinet, it did and it will.

    it will make a good script for a comedy. Perhaps you and bigger and littler E. can do the music for it.

    Expect to have Anton open her mouth shortly and put both feet in. As long as you consider this a black comedy, you will survive, even if the legal profession doesn't

  6. So glad you haven't given up on the poli-blog. I have missed your particular type of writing. Also trying to pick myself up and regain some hope somehow. I'm Grumpy Grandma and I so fear for the children!
