Friday, June 14, 2013

The Real Power And The Real Glory...

...Can Be Found In Taksim Square's Piano Man.

Who is this guy?

Richard Hall of The Independent has the story:

"...In the early evening protesters on one side of the square faced off with police, chanting: “Everywhere is Taksim, everywhere is resistance.”

The prime minister had predicted earlier in the day that the protests would be over in 24 hours, and there was a feeling among the crowd that another night of violence lay ahead.

But then, in the space of a few hours, the atmosphere in the square changed; and it had a lot to do with one man and his piano.

Hundreds gathered around German musician Davide Martello as he clinked away late into the evening. They were mostly silent while he played John Lennon’s Imagine, some Bach, and his own composition “Lightsoldiers.”

After playing for an hour at the edge of the square, Martello enlisted the help of his new fans to drag the grand piano closer to the centre, beside Gezi Park.

Martello built the piano himself, attached lights so he could play in the dark, and pulled it on a trailer from his hometown Konstanz, Germany, to play to protesters in Taksim Square.

The evening passed without incident any major incident. Some protesters even had time for a game of football in the square.

After his performance, Martello wrote on Facebook: "Good night Istanbul, tomorrow I will playing again on the square for freedom and our rights."...

Best minute-by-minute accounts of the goings on in the Square can be found on Jenna Capulcu Pope's Twittmachine feed.



  1. I love this! I have been following Jenna Pope too, as well as a couple of residents of Istanbul. I also liked the mother's protest yesterday. Erdogan appealed to the mothers of the protesters to get their kids to knock it off, and the moms formed a line between the police and the protesters.

  2. Amazing story about all those Moms Karen - thanks for the heads-up.

