Friday, November 08, 2019

Who's Robert Stanfield Now?


In political terms at least, Toronto really is the center of the current CanuckistanMikitaVillian Universe.

TorStar's Tom Walkom explains:

...The Conservatives did gain three more Ontario seats. However, their share of the popular vote in Ontario dropped by two percentage points.

More importantly, they were unable to unseat Liberal incumbents in huge swaths of the so-called 905 belt outside Toronto. In Toronto itself, the Conservatives were completely shut out...

And here's the ironic thing given who benefitted most from Mr. Stanfield's butter fingers, pictured above, in 1974:

...The main reason is that Scheer failed to connect with Red Tories.

Red Tories represent the dominant form of Conservatism in Ontario. They are typically moderate. They are amenable to using government to achieve useful social ends. They generally value co-operation...


...Ontario’s ever so practical Red Tories know from experience that refinery shutdowns and turmoil in the Middle East have more effect on gasoline prices than Ottawa’s carbon tax.

Indeed, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s entire strategy for dealing with climate change could have come from a Red Tory playbook.

It emphasizes balance — in this case, the balance between economic and environmental needs. It suggests action without getting bogged down in the details of what this action will accomplish. It allows people to think they are doing something about the climate problem without requiring them to bear a hefty cost. And it is based not on government fiat but on market pricing...

Go figure.

Of course, when the books are written by the NeoLaurierists of the RedTory Sage, they'll tell us that this was the 2019 plan right from the get-go.
Tip O' The Toque to Owen Gray at Northern Reflections.



  1. Loved it.

    Recall some one commenting on a blog that when the P.C.s because simply Conservatives, his Father, joined the NDP, having been a Red Tory.

    Had there been a Red Tory as leader of the Conservative party, the federal Liberals might not have formed government.

    Stanfield had the misfortune of having to run against Trudeau.

  2. That photo of Stanfield sure brings back old memories (not childhood but almost adult). The irony of the photograph is that the photographer who took the photos took far more photos of Stanfield successfully and accurately catching and throwing the football. But that was the time of Trudeau the 1st and he won the 1974 election. There is a great link on the CBC archive website:

  3. e.a.f.--

    Can you imagine the reaction of the Manning Institute For That Thing They Denigrate if the CPC were to elect an actual Tory as leader in the coming months?



    Ya, which is the real irony given how much Trudeau the Elder relied on carefully crafted photos to boost his image with the body politic.


  4. Trudeau Sr. was very good with the photos. Most Canadians didn't know how short he was. As some one said to me, back in the day, don't know why the P.C.'s don't have Joe Clark grow a beard and shot him, (camera) as taller, because Joe Clark was taller than Trudeau, yet in the photos Trudeau always looked taller.

    To this day my sisters and I laugh on this story: one sister being caught in traffic on the bus in the early 70s comes home and complains some mobster must be in town because the media was all around him, as he was going into a hotel and so were body guards and traffic was stopped. Asked, why do you think it was a mob boss, A: well he was short and sort of dark, like Italians. Told her, , that is the P.M. of Canada.

    so much for the difference between a good photo shoot and real life.
