Thursday, November 07, 2019

Memory Matters With Measles.


Some folks in Chilliwack are apparently up in arms about public health measures meant to ensure that critical vaccines are administered at rates that help to ensure community efficacy:

Of course, the anti-vax division of that portion of Lotusland's fundamentalist edge was involved in in a pretty significant measles outbreak in the not too distant past (i.e. 2014).

From the CBC at that time:

The largest outbreak of measles in decades was officially declared over Monday with a vast reduction in the number of transmissions and new cases, says Fraser Health's chief medical health officer.

Over a four-week period earlier this spring, the Fraser Health region had over 400 cases of measles with some patients requiring hospitalization.

Dr. Paul Van Buynder, the chief medical health officer, says the outbreak is now over with few new cases being reported.

"The size of, and speed at, which this outbreak spread resulted in more cases of measles than the province has seen in the past 15 years, and was the largest outbreak in almost 30 years," says Dr. Van Buynder.

The outbreak initially began after dozens of cases were reported at a Christian School in Chilliwack with a low vaccination rate. That school was temporarily closed...

From CKWX:

CHILLIWACK (NEWS1130) – The measles outbreak in the Fraser Valley is now into its third week, and while clinics set up across the region to contain it have been busy, there seem to be some problems at ground zero.

Most of the people linked to the Chilliwack school where it started still haven’t been vaccinated.

Medical Health Officer Dr. Lisa Mu says Mt. Cheam Christian School has been very cooperative in working with Fraser Health to reopen the school and in contacting families. But she says a lot of people at the school are not taking the health authority’s advice.

“That community remains largely unvaccinated,” says Mu...



With all that in mind, what's the big deal given that, as one commenter on the Twittmachine thread to the post shown above, said:

Well, given the millions of deaths prevented by measles vaccination (according to the US Center for Disease Control), no:

And then there is the matter of the most recent research according to top-o-the ladder journal Nature:

Measles infections in children can wipe out the immune system’s memory of other illnesses such as influenza, according to a pair of studies1,2. This can leave kids who recover from measles vulnerable to other pathogens that they might have been protected from before their bout with the virus.

The findings, published on 31 October in Science and Science Immunology, come at a time when measles cases are spiking around the world. Globally, there were more measles infections in the first six months of 2019 than in any year since 2006, according to the World Health Organization...

Which just goes to show once again that, in all matters political, societal, scientific or otherwise, memory really does matter.


1 comment:

  1. These anti vaccers just don't get it. Don't know if they're anti science or they think their god will save them. whatever, they need to understand they live in society and some people need the 'herd' immunity to survive. obviously these people have never seen a few hundred dead people from a disease they could have been vaccinated against. Being an aging baby boomer, I remember polio. When the former Queen of the Netherlands, Queen Juliana, visited the Dutch troops in Indonesia, she contacted measles. Her daughter was born almost blind.

    To those god based ones who don't want to vaccinate, the 10 commandents are clear, "thou shalt not kill". when you refuse to vaccinate, you may kill an innocent person.

    In my opinion, if people don't want to be vaccinated and one gets measles, whatever, their whole family ought to be quarantined. that includes parental units not going to work, no going out anywhere, confined to their homes. They don't want to live in a modern world with modern medicine, well there are the old ways and that included quarantines.
    Canadian society isn't litigious, but if some one in my family died because some one else wasn't vaccinated, they'd be hearing from my lawyer.

    Thank you for the article. People need to understand these "childhood" diseases kill, maime, etc. The Gates didn't spend billions trying to eliminate some diseases around the world just for fun.
