Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Why Biden's Campaign Had To Be Destroyed.

Simple as that, from the front page of the pixel division of yesterday's New York Times.

Because even after all the stumbles, bumbles and character assassinations, real, or mostly imagined, Biden still wins where it matters most and the others do not.


If someone were paying attention they might even conclude that the public box that Rudy built is just another national security destroying version of the Canuck letter that signalled the beginning of the end of Ed Muskie's campaign that paved the way for the plumber-driven Nixonian landslide in 1972.

Now all we need is for Mr. Giuliani arrange for the BooHoo to get ahold of the ghost of Hunter Thompson's press pass so that he can to ride the new Sunshine Special all the way to Kiev.

Either that, or somebody like, say, Matt Drudge suddenly up and accuses the young Hunter ('B', not 'T') of trafficking in ibogaine.

Or some such thing.



  1. And destroy Biden they will. They will also take a really good crack at whomever the Democrats nominate. If the Dems are going to win this election and increase their seats in the Senate they will have to "destroy" the opposition. The Democrats have a good chance with the impeachment enquiry, but its not an sure win. Trump has the American people doubting their own press, their own Security people. Most of the "free press" in the U.S.A. is not free, its corporate and they still deep down in the dirty hearts still favour Trump and the tax breaks they received from them.

    If we look at history and see how Dukacus was destroyed or any other Democrats who looked like they might win.......

    Holding on to the House of Representatives and Senate is also a project the Dems will have to win because even if they win the Presidency, they may not be able to move forward, as we saw during the Obama years. The Republicans still have their "southern strategy" and they have moved it nation wide, the politics of division. The use of the word "soviet Style" is just another word for communism and that will go along way in the U.S.A. For some within the racist movement, its the "dog whistle" they want to hear.

    trump early on started the use of the term, "fake news" who ever got him to do that, was smart. many will not believe what the press writes, when it comes to trump. the doubt is now there. now it maybe that only his base will believe, but his base and a few others, will get him re elected. If that were to happen, it will be an end to American democracy as they have known it.

    Trumps continual bashing of California, to some may seem senseless, but there is something in California, he is truly afraid of, be it Pelosi, their former and current Govenor, or simply their economy. I do wonder sometimes if he wants to set it up so the feds can take over the state government. There is wealth there he has not been able to plunder and his oligarch handlers in Russian would truly love to access it all.

    I some times wonder if, trump's continually attempts at branding Latinix as criminals, murderers, etc. may be a way of setting it up. that should Russian criminals move in, and attempt a take over of Central and South American cartels, people won't care. They will see it as an improvement because they're white. When I look at trump and his 'gang' I view them as simply mobsters looking to take on new territory.

    In my opinion, the former leaders of the Republican party were so keen to hold power in the country, they sold their country out to mobsters, fraudsters, and thought it was o.k. to have Russians destroy their democracy and national security. Of course some may argue that some of those key Republicans have more than a few skeletons in their closet and live "secondary" lives they do not wish to share with the voters.

  2. Just clicked over to Empty Wheel, where the new post is, What the Prosecutors need to do.........

    Once reading through the post, there is an interesting email the writer quotes, its an email from Corsi to Stone:

    "word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps........Time to let more than (the Clinton Campaign chairman) to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC.........would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke, neither he nor she well".

    Roger Stone and his "friends" were still at it with his "ratfucking" campaign methods. of course we now know, they could not get the Dems. to drop HRC as the candidate and they did to forward with the "news" with pictures in some mags, etc. that she was ill.

    This subverts the very essence of a democracy. If this is the road Kenny wants to go down, he really, really needs to go. We saw some of this type of thing during our federal elections. It needs to stop before we tear our country apart, like some Americans are doing in theirs.
