Tuesday, March 17, 2020

When Mr. Picard Speaks, I Listen.


Andre Picard, the Globe and (no longer Empire) Mail's health columnist, is most definitely not a reactionary hot taker.

In fact, as I've said before, Mr. Picard is one of the few mainstream media science journalists I read who, even when he writes about my own field, tells me something I didn't already know.

This means that he is a rare breed, indeed. And he gets this type of respect from all quarters because he really is thoughtful, measured and careful.

Which makes today's column all the more important. Here is his lede (and a wee bit more because, again, it's important):

The single most powerful weapon we have in the escalating war with the coronavirus is information – giving people facts and advice so they can take measures to protect themselves and their loved ones.

If we want Canadians to act in a socially responsible manner – to embrace social distancing, self-isolation and whatever other measures are to come – they need to trust the message and the messenger.

That’s why it’s essential that public health officials and politicians speak with a unified voice and adopt consistent, coherent policies.

Enough of this nonsense of every jurisdiction – Ottawa, 10 provinces, three territories, hundreds of regional health units and countless cities and municipalities – having different messages. Enough of the pussyfooting around in the name of provincial autonomy and constitutional division of powers.

If the coronavirus is an emergency – and it is – then it has to be an emergency from coast to coast to coast, not just in Ontario or Calgary.

If we’re going to close educational institutions, then we need to shut down every one of them – daycares, elementary schools, high schools, colleges and universities, regardless of where they are located.

If we’re going to ban large gatherings, then let’s ban them. Don’t make it groups of 50 in one province and 250 in another province; don’t make it mandatory in one jurisdiction and a simple request in another.

The self-isolation rules need to be identical for every single traveller.

Same goes with testing guidelines: they need to be the same in every single part of the country, not a confusing mess that leaves people frustrated and perplexed...

Hard to argue with that, no?

And, lest you think
our leaders don't pay attention to what he has to say, it's hard not to conclude that last week's column by Mr. Picard didn't help get the all rolling on our increasingly robust, if still somewhat piecemeal, response to the pandemic...
Having said all this, if you want something to soothe you because it's interesting and because it makes it clear that this is not the end of everything, take a listen to Jesse Brown's recent interview with AP.



  1. totally agree.

    thank you.

  2. You bet e.a.f.--

    Hope all is well with you and yours!

    (good to read your comments and queries over at emptywheel, btw)


  3. For the third time in my adult life I'm reading Nevil Shute's 1957 novel 'On the Beach' to perk me up while being housebound (avoiding crowds) due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. And having said that, once these ongoing health troubles are solved, or evolved .... do we really need to have weapons of mass destruction being held in trust by something called a Non Proliferation Treaty of Nuclear Weapons when we should be using our combined resources to deal with a virus?

  4. Welcome to the Black Spring.

    Most of BC's fresh food comes from the US. Who plants, tends & harvests that food? Not pro athletes who getting regularly tested. The largest hit group will be those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. Closing America's southern border to migrant farm workers will only exacerbate the problem. Any food that is harvested will not be shipped out of a starving country run by a 'me first' ruling class.

    Plant Brothers and Sisters! PLANT!
    Community gardens, balconys, back yards... PLANT!

  5. NVG--

    In a word....No.



    I have a confession to make....In between serious pods and actual pretty good audio, I regularly listen to sports talk radio given that it is, mostly, politics agnostic (on purpose, obviously)...This morning though, when they made all the fuss about the BrookNets 'sacrificing' by hiring a private firm to their PCR for them, well, I just had to turn it off...

    As for your 'PLANT!' directive...Will follow...Must get seeds...Thanks.

    (and good point about the me firsters everywhere).


  6. if this pandemic continues people may want to give serious thought to planting a garden in their yards. One you will have a better quality of food and two, you will reduce the number of people who have no choice but to purchase food. Fresh food can always be donated to food banks or your neighbour down the street.
