Monday, September 28, 2020

Just How Smart And Logical Is Mr. Wilkinson, Really?



Update at bottom of post

The above headline was placed above a Canadian Press 'profile' of the good Mr. Wilkinson by Camille Bains.

Now, for the moment at least,  let's leave aside the the fact that those specific descriptors of the current BC Liberal leader, which the Vancouver Sun for some strange (editorial?) reason decided to first cherry pick and then trumpet, came from noted unbiased observer and honest broker, the ol' turdstormer himself, Mr. Bill Bennett. 

Instead, let's have a look at how truly 'smart' and 'logical' Mr. Wilkinson is being when it comes to comes to medical services plan (MSP) premiums.

You remember MSP, premiums, right?

Those were the massive revenues that were generated during the super-fine times of the previous BC Liberal government's regressive tax shift in which massive revenues were gouged from the backs of rank and file British Columbians.

How massive was both the shift and the gouging?

Well, at the end of the super-fine government times of Mr. Wilkinson's party, it was precisely this big, as noted at the time (i.e. 2016) by Paul Willcocks: 

So, with that bit of historical memory mining in mind...

Fast forward to this past weekend when the BC NDP, whose recently dissolved government stopped the gouging, had this to say in the wake of an announcement by leader John Horgan to build a new hospital in Terrace as noted by the CBC's Joel Ballard:

...The NDP sent out a news release to journalists warning that a Liberal government would reinstate monthly premiums for B.C.'s medical services plan (MSP)...

Almost immediately, the good Mr. Wilkinson, showed his historically bereft political 'smarts'  on the Twittmachine:

Now, given this statement by Mr. Wilkinson, you might also think that, if he was being 'logical' and true to his suddenly conjured anti-gouging left-leaning ideological stance, he would also fully support the anti-regressive revenue raising replacement tax that the BC NDP instituted to to help shift the BCL-bloated MSP off of the peoples' collective back.


Not so much...

...He (Wilkinson) wasn't as direct when it came to making a commitment about the future of the employer health tax despite being pressed by CBC News.

But back in May of 2018, during an interview on CKNW's The Lynda Steele Show, Wilkinson said he would like to get rid of a number of NDP taxes including the employer health tax, which he said " is going to drive up the costs of doing business in B.C. and drive employment out of B.C."...

Imagine that!

Full marks to the MoCo's Mr. Ballard for doing a little historical memory mining himself with that last sentence,  quoted, above.
Update, 6pm Monday....Gosh, a funny thing happened as this post was being composed this morning...The logical Mr. Wilkinson put on his smartypants so that he could shout 'Deficits don't matter!'...Or some such Norquistian thing.



  1. Saw Wilkinson making the statement regarding the PST and couldn't stop laughing. Guess the hospital in Terrace won't be built, no more housing for the homeless and of course no new schools in Surrey and firing a whole lot of T.A.s the way el gordo did. Perhaps the good Mr. Wilkinson will have money laundering come back to B.C. as a nice big industry, who knows.

    when you cut taxes you defund government. what is Wilkinson going to eliminate? Bet he goes with the tried and true Socred/B.C. Lieberal routine of cutting welfare rates. What I did find interesting was that the people who will benefit most from not having PST is business. Not the average person in the province but BUSINESS. Wilkinson: just another Christy clark in trousers. Reminds me of el gordo and his no HST promise, when he'd already cut a deal with Harper to implement it. My guess is, Wilkinson would increase personal income tax to replace the PST or cut services. Gee how wonderful will that be, cutting services, in the middle of a COIVD crisis which is going to go on for at least another couple of years or the rest of our lives.
    Given the number of Albertans who moved to B.C., I'd suggest Wilkinson is hoping they'll vote for the B.C. Lieberals and not the NDP or Greens. In Nanaimo there are so many Albertans I suspect it could have an impact on the election. Some of those M.L.A.s were elected with a very slim margin. Even Mr. Wilkinson's good friend, in the back ground there Jas Johal won by only 300 votes, I do believe.

  2. BC Liberals are neither smart or logical. Never were-never will be.
