Monday, July 15, 2024

For Graham.


A few months ago, after Mr. Musk started re-directing anything on his platform with in it to his new web address, I wrote a post about how this could be a bonanza for those who try to make their living by phishing.

And, while the post was about, essentially, internet fraud, I couldn't help myself by making a non-material aural connection, paired with a dig, to the band Phish.

Which led reader Graham to gently explain why he enjoyed the band together with a helpful example of a song that could be used to ease one's way into the band's sonic world.

And, having taken Graham's (real, not fauX) bait, I must say that my appreciation of Phish evolved a little after I gave stuff like the following a long listen while banging away at the keyboard down in the subterranean homesick bluesroom a few Saturday's ago:


Today, Marc Maron posted one of his longest of long form interviews with Phish guitarist and frequent songwriter, Trey Anastasio.

It's an example of why Maron is the godfather of the long form podcast because this one goes literally everywhere for a good one hour and forty minutes, sans the ACasting and the noodling.

I learned a lot and I know that Graham will really enjoy it (if he hasn't already listened given the long arm of the Phish-Head law).




    Imagine my surprise when I tuned in this afternoon and saw….my name. Is he, whaaaaaat, he is.
    Ross, I am honoured and happy that I could send something your way for once.
    Thanks for the heads up about the interview, I’ll be going for a walk with the earbuds and listening to that one.

  2. You got it Graham...And it will take a long walk, maybe two.


  3. Excellent interview, I listened today while doing chores. I learned all kinds of things about Trey and Mark. That pod is on the list now. Thanks again.
