Saturday, July 13, 2024

Peace With (Dis)Honour?


The only real question is...

Will that be the Richard Nixon version or the Neville Chamberlain version?

Not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive, particularly when it comes to Ukraine.

Tip 'O The Toque
to the the imitable emptywheel.
Dan Nexon, writing at LGM, has a detailed analysis of the 'mission'.



  1. It sure wasn’t peaceful yesterday in the USA.

  2. The American politic in full view of the world yesterday, a multiple felon, rapist, con man running for president, targeted by an assassin, who was felled by a sniper.

    If Trump is elected, just close the f***ing boarder.

    As per your post, it will be neither a Nixon of Chamberlain solution, it will be a Vikun Quisling solution, sell out everyone to be leader.

    Now a historical note: Neville Chamberlains infamous "Peace for our time" claim needs further explanation. At the time, Chamberlain was suffering from Cancer and like most politicians seduced by power and would not step down.

    Often misquoted," Peace for our time" gave the UK one year (and Canada too) to prepare for war. One must remember, in 1938, there were no monoplane fighter squadrons in the RAF and as the civil war in Spain shown, biplanes were no match against the German monoplane fighters.

    Sacrificing Czechoslovakia, sadly gave the chance for the UK and Canada to prepare. Little known fact is that Canada knew war was coming and prepared for it and that preparation paid dividends.

    Trump will give the Ukraine to Putin to join the "Dictators Club", but this time around, Trudeau and his band of "No-Nothings" are not preparing and the Canadian North is next and the American will divvy up the Arctic a la Germany and the Soviet Union divved up Poland in 1939.

    If Trump is elected, the USA will cease to be an ally.

  3. Oh look, it’s a couple of harper’s buddies. Maybe he’s the one who got them together.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Sorry TB,

    Couldn't let joke two stand.


    From TB....

    Joke one.
    With Trump in power in the USA and Poilievre in power in Canada , what can go wrong?


  6. IMHO, the problem with so called progressives is that they have succumbed to the wrongfully ascribed 'woke' description!
    Whilst those on the far right have prospered and are FFS becoming the status quo; progressives on the other hand hide behind political correctness and cannot say boo to a goose!
    Both sides of our politics have been taken over by extremists!
    Even our 'progressives' have become soft socialists as socialism has become a dirty word!
    FFS you guys; socialism , for better or worse, was Britain s Harold Wilson or Slovaks
    Alexander Dubcek .
    The progressives of today are in he position of tread carefully and dont disturb the growing grass!!
    As to my refusal of , I admit, a black humour joke!
    The world is becoming sterile ; its not a good direction..

  7. Fair enough TB.

    The thing is, I made the decision a long time ago that I won't leave stuff up here that I consider inflammatory, particularly when it comes to public safety issues.

    I came to that decision because I realized a long time ago that I have to live with what's posted here. I also believe that active, human-based moderation keeps the conversation civil.

    That's just me though - my POV on this kind of thing doesn't stop anyone from starting up their own blog/newsletter and letting everything stick that is thrown over the transom. And I do confess that I do enjoy sites like that - Lawyers, Guns And Money and even, still Eschaton are good examples of sites like that. It's just that I don't feel comfortable with that myself.


  8. fair enough, we can agree to disagree.

  9. Thanks TB - I really, honestly, do appreciate that.


  10. It is wrong to joke about assassinations or attempted assassination, but the recent gun-play on Friday seems to well choreographed. I am not a follower of Q-anon or the many other soothsayers around, but.........

    Something is not right and my "spider senses" are tingling.

    An avowed Republican, gun loving, right wing chap, pulled the trigger, but he was dead by the time the first bullets were flying.

    Evidently, Trump's ear was cut by flying glass from the teleprompter and the take down by the secret service. The fist in the air and the struggle to keep him down is too well choreographed. Biden looked weak in his address to the nation, deferring to Donald Trump who has been promising violence during the campaign.

    That the secret service has snipers at the ready was an eye opener for me.

    So let's say a certain political hopeful, flagging in the polls, hires a "yokel" shoot up the place, just wound a few people, who in turn is shot by a Secret Service sniper and followed by the now well publicized fist in the air and "fight-on", giving a certain boost to win the White House.

    Biden doesn't have a hope in hell and dead men tell no tales.

    The script is worthy of a Hollywood melodrama.
