Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Did The Kevinator Do The Deal To Prevent a Klout Klub Takeover?


Earlier this afternoon we wondered if the Kevinator acted alone when he made the deal with the Whackaloons to blow-up the Soccer Party.

Now, reader Lew E. has brought the following to our attention:


Is it possible that the Klout Klub tried to hijack the whole thing?


I dunno for sure, but it is clear that Marky Mark is spoiling for a Klout Klub Kat Fight:

Imagine that!

Update: Re: The rumoured KK hijacking...Why, exactly, would Marky Mark question/care whether or not the Kevinator has the authority to make like John Candy and blow things up real good on his own?
These super fine folks do know that we're watching what they do and say, right?



  1. That would account for the pronounced odor of popcorn I whiffed when I rode my bike past Adrian Dix' office today...

  2. Okay, we’ve taken shots at Keith Baldrey around these parts before (with good reason), but fair’s fair. Here’s a line from his commentary on the 6:00 o’clock news tonight:

    “I’ve seen caucuses push a leader over a cliff before , but I’ve never seen a leader push a caucus over a cliff.”

    Not bad.

  3. Lew--

    Ya - I tried, but couldn't even come up with a Keef Report on that one...But let's wait and see what the good KB does on the follow through.


  4. Falcon, as leader of the BC Whatever was a doomed affair, to bring back the Campbell/Clark grift to BC. He failed, being outdone by the Trumpian anti-vax.anti science, anti-everything crowd.

    I would say some under the table was done and Falcon folded the party.

    The big looser is Eby who had been burning bridges behind him for over a year and will win second prize in October.

    What else is there to say, except "A pox on all their houses".

  5. Do wonder why Christy started phoning B.C. United MLAs to try to get them to quite their party? Does she think she is just such a sweet talker they'll fall for it? Who is paying her to do this> What does she hope to accomplish by trying to eliminate her old party? What does she get if she were to be successful? Is she running out of money? Does she need a job? Are the kids school fees going up? then there is the ex. What is his interest? What does he get out of it? How is he doing financially. Everything usually comes down to money and sex, o.k. and revenge.
    If they were to accomplish their goals would they then kick Rustad to the curb?
    Once the political ads start comparing the Cons to Smith and crew not every one is going to be ethusiastic about that ideology. Best one yet, Smith is planning to force people into "detox, the cure" etc for up to a year. The facilities will be placed in the middle of no where, staffed by people who have 8 weeks training, and children and adults will be in the same facility. What could possibly go wrong. Ah and all those committed to these facilities will have all their information on an App which the company who will run these facilities bought from some organization in New West, which is in the business of getting people to give up their evil ways.--source D. Climengag's Alberta blog--oh and she is suggesting handing over hospitals to church run system as cures for their health care woes. Now how does that sound for something like it in B.C. There is just so much money to be spread around and what is happening with B.C. United may just be all about how to divy up the money in the province. Its not like the others have had much of a chance to get their hands into the cookie jar.

  6. Raymond Tomlin's blog post is well worth reading today. Does that guy heat his home with cease and desist letters?

    1. where is his blog post. There are pages of Raymond Tomlin

    2. See the BlogCrawl on the side, it's called VanRamblings

    3. First, Mr. T built up KF for two full posts, including one early Wednesday and then, suddenly, he had to rationalize why KF did the deed...To Gar's point there is some truly eyebrow raising stuff in that third post that I haven't, unfortunately, seen confirmed anywhere else.


  7. The socialist hordes are coming.

  8. Anon-Directly-Above--

    Or a deep blue mole digging myriad foundation-destroying tunnels under the BC Soccer Party stadium since, say February 5, 2022?

    I can't believe I'm saying this, particularly given that he wrote it first this time, but I'm actually with Ron Obvious on this one:

    ..."If you believe in a party that is not extreme, that is fiscally conservative but is socially moderate as BC United billed itself, then you fight for that. Maybe you don’t win the next election but you at least can say that you battled for what you believe in...


    ...But just the day before Mr. Falcon made this monumental decision, he was telling reporters in Victoria what a disaster the Conservatives would be in power. He was mocking the sorry and dangerous crop of candidates they had enlisted for the campaign, some of whom he described as genuine crackpots who believed cellphone towers were “genocidal weapons” and think that “credit cards are a sign of the antichrist.”...

    All snark aside, I think it will be interesting to find out two things:

    1) What did Mr. Falcon, personally, get from the deal?

    2) Was there a Laurentian-tinged putsch out there somewhere, lurking just over the horizon (as was suggested by a couple of tweets from Global's R. Zussman), that was freaking Mr Falcon out so much that he felt compelled to suddenly pull the the trigger without informing many in his caucus?


  9. Scotty on Denman6:44 pm, August 30, 2024

    Hey, Kevin! “Total Recall”. Remember?

  10. Falcon, always the politician, looking for a new angle, that is just beyond his reach, who is not a Grandfather, yet, said this recently:

    "There is nothing more important to me, MY children (should be a Full Stop here, but, he goes on) and YOUR CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN, that we not give the NDP one more day in power than they absolutely have to have.'

    Why can't he just stop, and keep my children's children out of his plea, bargaining.
