Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Is The Kevinator Acting Alone?


I'm writing this early Thursday afternoon as the news of the BC Liberal party 'folding' is just starting to hit the Wurlitzer.

So, things will likely be a little clearer later in the day after we have heard from both Mr. Falcon and Mr. Rustad, the leader of the far, far right Whackaloon party that appears to have stomped on the corpse of whatever teensy, tiny bit of 'centre' still remained in the now defunct Campbell/Clark-Off Soccer Party.

But here is something interesting that might be worth returning to in the aftermath, from the Canadian Press:

Mike Bernier, who represents Peace River South, said he's been unable to reach BC United Leader Kevin Falcon amid reports the party is folding, while the rival BC Conservative Party says Leader John Rustad will be making a "major statement" about the election at 2:40 p.m.

Bernier said he called the meeting because there's "obviously something going on" but he was unable to say exactly what, and his phone has been "blowing up" with calls from concerned staff and other MLAs....

Hmmm...Does this mean that Mr. Falcon has done the deed/taken the deal from the Whackaloons on his own?

That must be some deal if the early reports are correct that Mr. Falcon has been telling anyone who listen that he will not run in the upcoming election.



  1. Here is the deal, Falcon was never a Liberal and the BC Liberal Party was Liberal in name only. In fact Gordon Campbell's BC Liberals were a precursor to Trump's MAGA republicans, which sole goal was to enrich politcal friends and insiders at the taxpayer's expense.

    Rustad's conservatives are the result of the Campbell/Falcon abandonment of the "Hurtlands", which continues today under Eby's NDP.

    The result is a Trumpian Lite politcal party with a corrosive mix of anti-vax; anti-science, evangelical "small people" who now believe they have the divine right to force their beliefs on us.

    Eby's NDP, which is just the old NDP, West-side Vancouver Socialist Lite party is no mired in numerous FastFerry financial debacles including Site C, the $14 billion+, 21.7 expansion of the Millennium and Expo Lines.

    Eby has lost the election simply because the people are tired of the NDP and their attempt to turn metro Vancouver into a world class S***-hole, meddling with rezoning.

    Mind your Rustad's Conservatives will complete the job.

    Sadly, BC has "Wackaloons" of all politcal stripes and they all seem to settle on the top of the provincial politic.

    For the 'Eye', I am voting Green as protest of the Americanization of our politics on both sides of the politcal spectrum.

  2. RE,
    Here is the deal, Falcon was never a Liberal and the BC Liberal Party was Liberal in name only. In fact Gordon Campbell's BC Liberals were a precursor to Trump's MAGA republicans, which sole goal was to enrich politcal friends and insiders at the taxpayer's expense.
    Every word true.
    What remains of the Socred/Liberal/ BCU will have to decide on just which party to vote for after being abandoned by Falcon!
    I cannot imagine just what the candidates for the BCU party are thinking after been thrown to the trash pile?
    Where they will go and put their efforts ( if they have any left) is yet to be seen.
    I hope that the Green Party can make use of this political implosion.

  3. Not having read the Elections Act of B.C. or the Constituion of the B.C. United I do wonder if Falcon has the legal authority to do what he has done. He certainly doesn't appear to have consulted any other MLAs. Bernier is a sitting MLA, no word on if Bond was consulted but I did hear she won't be running for the Conservatives. Don't know how much money the provincial party has but where does it go. What about people who donated to candidates who aren't going to switch parties and are going to run as B.C. United. Like it still is sort of a democracy isn't it. One guy just doesn't get to decide to eliminate a political party by making a statement. gee. Its not that I'm keen on the Socred/Lieberal/B.C. United but if there are game rules they have to be followed or we'll look like Alberta and the U.S.A. wonder if any of falcon's statements and "decisions" will cause some of this old collegues to find lawyers and take him to court. Well canning a political part where you are only the political leader. Like where is the party president on all of this along with the executive.
    Rustad and his crew are way too much like Smith and the UPC. Members seem to have the same mind set i.e. not keen on shots, covering your face, trans gender children and their rights, the right of women to control their own bodies, i.e. if I want an abortion no old dry ball is going to tell me I can't
