Thursday, August 15, 2024

Memes Of The Very Weird, ctd...


The Vanceing continues, as noted by Bess Levin writing in Vanity Fair:

...In a 2020 podcast interview discussing the benefits of grandparents in children’s lives, (US'ian Republican VP Candidate JD) Vance agrees when the host says, “That’s the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female.” But wait, the incredibly creepy takes don’t stop there! Later, while recounting that his wife’s mother lived with them for a year after the birth of their first son, Vance does not object to the host declaring that that is “this weird, unadvertised feature of marrying an Indian woman.” (Vance’s wife, Usha Vance, is of Indian descent.).

Noting that his mother-in-law is a biology professor and took a yearlong sabbatical to help out, Vance says, “it’s just one of these things that…this is what you do.”...

As for the unacknowledged elitism being trumpeted there...Well, that's pretty darned elegiac of him don't you think?




  1. It's a comment (should I say it?) that's just couched in elitism!

  2. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

    1. Yes, and it would appear Vance is at the mad stage. the man must be crazy to say something like that out loud.
      Wonder if he would have said that to Margaret Thatcher's face, or Nancy Reagan, or Chancellor Merkle, .........or for that matter Dr Bonnie Henry
      Vance's Mother In Law is smarter than he will ever be and much better mannered.

  3. I'm afraid that Ol' JD has ruined the classic Radiohead song "Creep", as I can't help but think of him now every time I hear it or play it. FML
