Thursday, August 15, 2024

More Receipts From The Pre-Soccer Party's Tax Cut Party In 2001.


Yesterday we noted that former pre-Soccer Party member George Abbott took current Soccer Party leader Kevin Falcon and his then fellow Campbellerians to task for their massive tax cut in 2001 that is now being reprised twenty-three years later:

...“Although the tax cut was undoubtedly popular among many British Columbians, few fully understood the fiscal repercussions that would follow,” Abbott wrote. “Cautionary advice was dismissed and tax cuts quickly translated into a $4.4-billion deficit and deep expenditure reductions for ministries other than health, education and advanced education.”...

Mr. Falcon does not agree with Mr. Abbott's summary of events, as noted by Andrew MacLeod in The Tyee:

...“I disagree completely with the greatest respect to my friend George,” Falcon said. “The evidence showed we had the fastest growing economy in the country (after the 2001 tax cut)...

Well, actually,  no:

Progress Board, you ask? 

Is it a left wing thinky thing designed to tank the pre-Soccer Party party and its policies?

Well, also no, as noted by Paul Willcocks in days gone by:

...(Gordon) Campbell asked a group of business leaders — David Emerson was the first chair, Jimmy Pattison was on board — to set measurable goals for the province, report on progress each year and offer advice on critical issues.

The boards out six important areas — economic growth, standard of living, jobs, the environment, health outcomes and social conditions. Then it identified key indicators that could be used to measure how well the province was doing each year, things like exports per capita and birth weights and educational achievement...

{snippety doo-dah}

...It’s been a useful exercise. Citizens, and government, can see what is and isn’t working. The spin by government and opposition can be replaced by facts...

Imagine that - the current Soccer Party leader hoisted with the pre-Soccer Party's own petard!

And, once again....
I have archives and I'm going to use them!...And, just to be clear, I would be happy to summarize year-over-year Progress Board reports but, unfortunately, although not surprisingly, the board and its works were disappeared by the Wizards of Clarklandia almost immediately after they seized power.



  1. Wayback Machine -*/

  2. The BC soccer party will soon be playing 5 a side!


  3. Those tax cuts were imaginary because what the soccer party did was to impose the Carbon Tax, to recoup lost income.

    Calling the new tax a Carbon Tax was nothing more than a brilliant bit of politicking because no one could ever speak against the carbon tax.

    That the carbon tax goes directly to "general revenue and has nothing to do about global Warming is politely ignored by all concerned.

    today the carbon tax is a mere placebo for government to pretend it is doing something when it is not.

  4. Thanks Anon-At-The-Top of pointing us to web.archive--

    "...Again, more Progress Board Receipts, this time pre-recession go-go-go 2005 that further proves the good Mr. Falcon is not telling the truth (or, as Norm Farrell bluntly says, 'is lying'):

    "Looking closer at BC's economic performance, the province scored highly on two key fiscal indicators -- taxpayer supported debt (2004/05) and provincial surplus/deficit (2004/05), with both ranking 2nd among the provinces. BC also places 2nd on real average hourly wage levels (2004), 2nd for the lowest top marginal personal income tax rates (2005), and 2nd for net inter-provincial migration (2004/05). BC ranked 3rd in Canada on combined residential and non-residential business investment (2004/05). The province posts middling performance on productivity (6th, 2004) and per capita combined provincial and local tax burden (6th, 2004), while its performance on exports per capita remains weak (8th, 2004)..."


    Goalies optional?


    Excellent point and, if I remember correctly, it wasn't just the pro-Biz Bund that was willingly bamboozled by the empty suit that this tax always was...It was a certain class of enviro's also, according to the Archives at least.

